Cat/Prowl, combat/nocombat macro help needed!

I created this macro and it nearly works as intended, but if I'm mounted or in another form, other than Cat Form and out of combat, it will only put me into Cat Form and will not put me into prowl, so can anyone help me with this please?

/castsequence reset=6 [nocombat, nostealth] Prowl, Cat Form; [combat, nostealth] Cat Form; [stealth] Prowl
/use [nocombat, nostealth] prowl; cat form

when not in combat AND not in stealth use prowl (which automatically puts you into cat form), otherwise use cat form
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06/11/2018 15:16Posted by Lentat
/use [nocombat, nostealth] prowl; cat form

when not in combat AND not in stealth use prowl (which automatically puts you into cat form), otherwise use cat form

I see how you simplified it, but I still want it to use Cat Form, when Prowl is on cool down also. Thus why I attempted a /castsequence .

A little late to the party but here is what I wrote:

/use [nocombat] prowl
/use [nostealth] Cat Form

when out of combat and noform, this puts you in stealth if prowl is available, or uses cat form
in all other cases, it just uses cat form
idk how it handles if you are in combat and in stealth at the same time, but presumably you want to exit stealth by dealing damage anyway

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