[Cata Classic] My goblin female’s face has been missing since the Firelands patch and that makes me sad

Just a copy from us forums issue happens after HD textures.
My goblin DK’s face disappeared after the Firelands patch. (I can’t post a screenshot, but it’s completely blacked out/the texture is missing.

Some things I have tried:

  • change face/skin tone at the barbershop
  • enable/disable HD textures
  • swap from DirectX12 to DirectX11 and back
  • scan and repair game installation
  • Logging onto my Cata character on a different machine without HD textures = no problem, face is there. Hooray!

Not having a face anymore makes me sad. Please help!


I got the same Problem. I just found out though, if u deactivate High definition Textures, its working again.

yeah had the same problem but when i turned off the High definition Textures it my character looked normal again and its not just the goblin females that have this issue draenei female bodies turn completely black and tabards that can be transmorged turn black when transmorged into guild tabards,so i hope blizz fixes this soon.

Don’t worry it’ll be fixed after MoP Classic.

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