Cata hype!

It’s hard to believe, but there’s real cata hype :slight_smile:
People are waiting for the pre-patch impatiently on Mirage.


Shame we have to wait an extra day, hope that’s not the case on the 20th, but most likely it will be… :confused:

Iam not sure, google saying 12 am its this midnight.
12 am/may1st

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I suppose it is possible, 3 PM would equal midnight here, I was just assuming the scheduled maintenance was when they would apply the patch…

It is hard to be sure of anything with zero communication.

Edit: US forums have been renamed, ours haven’t, though that could just be the regular “lag”…

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I am also hyped! Probably more hyped than both TBC and WotLK tbh. I understand I’m a minority, but I liked Cata and it will be interesting to see how the content holds up in 2024.

EU players are always second class citizens. It was just a week ago they forgot to buff hunters on SoD on EU realms… :sweat_smile:

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The release info article does not have time for pre patch, but it does for release. it also confirms that it will be the same time and date worldwide.

Unfortunately half my hype was destroyed when they 'ninja-announced the release date about a month before the actual date, also showing total dgaf by not doing the elemental invasion event. I strated to play the official severs in early 2011, so I was eager to finally experience this event and the storyline behind it.

dude. i have no gripe about cata but people will literally hype over anything to do with their only hobby.

And that’s not a bad thing.

maybe not.
yet it makes one question who this thread was made to convince.

Sometimes, you just want to commune with like minded people and share your excitement with them, enjoy the moment with them, celebrate. Like i said, it’s not a bad thing.
It’s a similar phenomenon as supporting a sport team and chanting with all other supporters.

true. totally weird, yet a global phenomenon. great analogy :slight_smile:

I’m not sure why some people think that because Cata is universally hated, that’s universally true for everyone.

For example, my favourite expansion is WoD which is considered to be one of the bad ones.

People have the right to be excited by the things they like, even if they are minority.

as a casual player, i really enjoyed WoD. The expansion was great for me.

I liked the flex raiding system, it made it a lot easier to pug raid.
I loved my garden, so i could always stock up in flask and potion without having to spend hours of grinding.
I did enjoyed the mini game with the garrison that could potentially earn me some gear, some gold or other ressources.
Loved the aviana feather to get around easily. I would fly somewhere, pop the feather, and drop exactly where i needed to go.
And the raid were high quality, from highmaul, BRF, HFC…

I understand that for a dedicated player, there might not have been enough to keep them busy, but as a casual player, that was the ideal pace.

I did not like the endless grinding from the expansion that followed. Legion was fine, but BFA and shadowlands, not so much.


Looks like nothing is fixed…

They actually did it, launched the game completely broken. That thread is posted at the same time the pre patch went live…like they were only just discovered…

I honestly feel bad for the devs, you just know they’re going to get blamed for the higher ups messing it up…

The state of this release and the short life-span of this expansion, as shown on the roadmap blizzard published, does not bode well. Cata is obviously being treated as low priority. I wouldn’t be surprised if most of these bugs don’t get fixed for a good few months after official launch :frowning:

What a sad time to be alive… :cry:

I’m kinda looking forward to it, I quit just as cata was announced back in the day so it’s effectively a new expansion for me lol

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