Vanilla through WotLK is the epitome of World of Warcraft. It’s the true essence of WoW Classic for every player. Cataclysm and everything that came after are just pathetic attempts at creating different games. This is just my personal viewpoint, but I know plenty of people who share the same sentiment.
Cataclysm and beyond are absolute garbage, but they don’t even compare to the game I’m actually invested in and wasting my money on. I quit playing when Cataclysm was released, and I have a feeling I’ll do the same this time around. Are they seriously going to keep churning out expansions until it becomes like the current “retail” version? How on earth does that align with the concept of WoW Classic? It’s a complete joke.
Cata survey that went before is rigged and fake - literally no one asked for Cataclysm. Let’s be real Cata is not what you want.
Permanent Wrath is not what I want to remain but out of all things Cata… then I choose to remain in perma Wrath servers.
I can understand people thinking that WoW died with Arthas. But that aside, gameplay- and designwise almost everything in Cata is based on things that were added in WotLK. So I’m not sure why some people say WotLK is classic and Cata is not? The difference, I guess, is that Cata just took it one step further. But WotLK basically laid the foundation for Cata and onwards.
People have to play cata to realize that its pretty similar to wotlk, however the ones who cry about cata daily dont even play it, so ofc they think its a completely different game.
Those people need to replay WOTLK over and over again, thats what they played when was young and now they dont wanna learn anything new.
Cata, MoP and WoD is a transitional period between classic and modern so there’s still classic elements in those games.
Cata is definitely more classic than it is modern
With exception of Lore, there is nothing classic in WotLK.
Things like dungeon finder and players put Gear Score over people killed the Vanilla community or at least split the automatism crowd from real WoW players.
Great customer numbers but worst player quality ever.
Classic differs from person to person. I dont think of wotlk as classic for instance as the feeling of classic just disappeared with that expension.
For me, it´s Vanilla and tbc over everything.
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How can a player who didn’t played the game being able to adequately judje it? Watched the playerbase graphs of 13 years old stats?
In short early-mid Cataclysm is on par with ICC design, both raid and design of the questing zone around it. My only negatives about it comes with low quality dragon soul t13 raid and LFR release that made WoW playerbase incredibly volatile. Casual players begun jumping from patch to patch releases driven by hype only and constant catch up mechanics as ilvl grew faster and faster. Blizzard wanted broader audience so they went for extremes with Cataclysm, both in casual aka solo player and top tie progression at the time.
At first the made heroics way harder and unforgiving a stark contrast to what Wrath facerolling heroics for easy badges were. This made a lot of casuals, who were used to macro auto rotations and AoE fest and being carried by players in raiding gear, to freak out and quit in drowes. Also T11 heroic raids we got in Cata Classic are in Dragon soul post nerf version. Most of iriginal heroics were soul crushing to semi hardcore guilds and they lost many players as well. By the end of Firelands the situation became dire and this time Blizzard freaked out and went full ham on casualiasing content. Huge catch up with new heroic dungeons, easy clap LFR and e.t.c.
As for leveling Blizzard made a lot of work to streamline leveling clearing a lot of inconsistentes where in original world there were gaps without questing content especially on lvl 30-45 where you had to farm SM instances like there is no tommorow. However with increase of lvl cap they desided that average leveling speed should stay the same so heirlooms were expanded and dungeon leveling even more lucrative, especially on low levels, making huge world rework feel pointless and wasted potential. Legion leveling model and Chromie time did more for better leveling experience.
classic is what people just want for me classic end at mist
It’s classic Cataclysm. That’s all and nothing more and tbh it’s better than WOTLK imo. Wrath had a better story but other than that it was a bit meh, even back when it was new I wasn’t a fan. But it wasn’t “classic” anymore and neither was TBC. Vanilla is and always will be classic which is why I’m glad there is a permanent server for it.
I do wish they would open more perma servers for the expansions, because I would live in MOP classic as I loved that expansion.
WotLK introduced most of the game design changes that people associate with “retail”, but Cata gets the hate for them.
Try again, trolls.
“Nooo not the (un)holy Wrath! It was perfect.”
Well actually there were only 2 real raids in it - Ulduar and ICC. Copy pasted Naxx and Onyxia, 3 one boss raids and ToGC that was simply wooden arena with 50 minutes of content in it feel like outsourced or second team filler content. It was adored by casuals who got easy clap gear before ICC and could ignore Anubarak HM. Compare it to say MoP that has 3 raids with 3-6 bosses in T14, huge ToT t15 and epic t16 SoO*. MoP feels so much bigger than Wrath and a huge contrast to shattered content of the Cataclysm.
*Yes some would say they reused assets from a capital city, but it is a massive story driven content, besides it is harder to make boss fight from streets of Orgrimmar than round arena of Maligos encounter that was reused in dragon soul patch of Cata.
TBC abandoned all old zones. TBC added flying, effectively removing all world pvp. TBC added multiple difficulties for dungeons. TBC added daily quests. TBC is not vanilla, not by far.
People chose not to play in the old zones anymore. I quested through all of them even though I could´ve gone to Outland already.
Again, people chose not to engage in world pvp. People are free to dismount and fight each other. It´s just that there was no incentive to do so. Even in classic vanilla, people only participated in large world pvp since it gave honor.
I dont see a negative to heroic dungeons.
Never said that tbc is vanilla. Tbc cant be vanilla as vanilla in this case means the original wow version 1-60 and only EK and Kalimdor.
Nope, TBC has Coilfang reservoir, where Zangarmarsh instances and Serpent shrine cavern raid had a lot of mass PvP just like inside of Black rock mountain. Tempest keep also had pretty nasty graveyard where players were automatically resurrected upon releasing spirit inside Tempest Keep, Botanica and Mechanar.
You are also forgetting spirit towers around auchindon and Thrallamar vs Honor hold raids.
Only player who never really played TBC can say that wPvP was completely dead in it and forget that Wrath and LFD did that.
It’s like saying, people should stop playing chess and play that new shiny board game. If people wanna play Wrath give them Wrath! If they wanna ride dragons let them ride. I still don’t understand this gatekeeping… You players are your own bane and eventually you will kill classic when there will be no one to play with.
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ye that why in 4 months from 30 000 players on firemaw dropped to 5500
No there shouldnt be that many wow clients, like SOD killed last phases of Wotlk, people are leaking to other wow game modes, same with dev/support team and we not getting fixes/updates fast enoght and thats killing allready exisiting progression realms, there tons of people left when they saw state of Cata on release, fresh realms only when current progression realms done.
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WoW after wotlk is a single player game imo.
SoD was a good try with adding retail to classic but most people liked classic because it was classic and nothing else.
who cares? go troll somewhere else maybe in the classic section of the forums where you belong if you hate cata?