this game has nothing to do with classic , pve content , is just raid logging and leveling as “join dung group” , but for me as most pvp player is horrible , unbalanced 2v2 is nightmare , from 2200 u just get not only same comps but also same players one time we get 8 times in a row same dudes , unkillable healers or feral/ret who kill 1v2 , casters who run and cast bis items are at the end of the day from raids , so u must raid 4 hours to roll on item u can just lose and everything is said on wow cata realm population in 2 months on firemaw EU , from 30 000 players dropped to 6000 on other realms it is same even worst and i play cata first time in my life , start at TBC ,wotlk, sod , and spent 4 month on cata and this game is just bad and what is next ? panda, legion, war within classic ? 30 yr annivesary and 90 euro mount ? wtf is this , we are joke to blizzard and they dont care about nothing only money gl boys
then maybe after 8 classic seasons its time for you to play the real bracket ?
so literally the same as wotlk, wotlk forums were flooded with this exact same complaints, yet wotlk is still considered classic by 99% of the people
yea right like tbc wasnt druid/warlock and wotlk wasnt pala/warrior 99% of the comps over 2k2, besides 2v2 is not even meant to be balanced
yea caster often do that i believe
wotlk pvp bis items for most classes was literally 50% pve items, and if you dont want to lose the item then join a gdkp, after all blizzard allows now p2w system
is the end of a phase, realms are meant to lose their population, guess how many players TW3 had when first released on steam and how many it has nowadays
so all you do is complain that classic became cata when it literally follows the same way previous expainsion went, what do you want? to keep playing the same 3 first expansions forever? that seems so boring i’m losing brain cells thinking about it
btw spamming smily faces makes your post look like wrote by average 12years old fortnite player
Classic Vanilla had such a bad raidlog situation that they had to make changes to store world buffs so people would play outside of raid time. Raidlogging isn’t unhealthy either, it’s how people maintain a balance with the game.
Not saying Cata is great, it’s probably the worst expansion of them all, and it’s not really Classic I agree, but it’s still World of Warcraft and can be a lot of fun. None of the expansions were balanced, it’s never happened, especially in 2v2, it’s crazy to even bring it up.
Not even close, wth
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