CATA MM Hunter rotation

I’ve noticed unusual rotation from another MM hunter during HC dungeon run.

He was never using Steady Shot and Aimed Shot, and instead used Cobra Shot and Kill Command during boss fight, doing slightly more damage than me with standard MM rotation.

I’ve already mentioned in another topic that I don’t approve of the fact that MM hunter deal more damage with Cobra compared to Steady Shot with glyph, and that MM and SV practically swapped roles with MM being PvP spec and SV being PvE, but that’s not my point here.

In the other topic, players claimed that haste from Improved Steady Shot compensate for the lower damage of Steady Shot compared to Cobra, and at first I though that it’s gear difference, but then I’ve noticed that I’ve dealt more damage per individual auto attack shot. Not only overall but also per shot.

I had 4.3k min hit - 21.3k max crit, compared to 3.9k min hit - 10.8k max crit, from the other MM hunter who however had about 2% higher crit chance compared to me.
My Chimera and Serpent Sting also did more damage per shot/tick although he did more damage overall due to higher crit chance.

Thus I assume that I actually had higher attack power compared to the other MM hunter, however he managed to slightly outperform me on boss fights using Cobra Shot and Kill Command with wasp pet, which seems absurd and only proves that MM abilities should be rebalanced.

And for clarification, I pre-casted Aimed Shot as opener to utilize the Careful Aim crit chance bonus, then used Rapid Fire, Serpent Sting, Chimera, Readiness, Chimera, 2x Steady Shot, Arcane Shot (2x during Rapid Fire increased focus regen), 2x Steady Shot, Chimera, 2x Steady Shot, Arcane Shot, repeat, Aimed Shot on proc, Rapid Fire again on next phase and so on… which is if I’m not mistaken considered standard MM rotation.

Here’s comparison in case someone would be interested:
All I can figure out from that is higher crit and mastery rating on the other hunter, other than that I feel like MM spec make no sense at all.

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