Cata pre patch next week - what will you be doing?

What will you be doing in the cata pre patch?

i guess alot of people will be leveling Archeology but what else will you be doing?

I’ll create a goblin
I’ll level a DK, heard they are quite good in Cata
Do the pre-patch event and try to get some achievements and mounts that will still be obtainable.

i will be spamming m+ in retail very hard since S4 is just starting :slight_smile:

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Gonna have some fun on bgs with new talents.


I’ll be leveling my 5 DK alchemists from 68 to 75 :smiley: And my druid alchemist and warrior alchemist from 73 to 75 :smiley: And finally finish leveling my warlock… dw he’s a tailor/enchanter i have enough alchemists already :smiley:

Most likely trying to comprehend retail talent builds if I will go for Mists of Pandaria Remix. Who knows if they would release MoP Classic at all? Maybe finish my 10th character that is Warrior at level 54 as of now.

With Invincible, Head of Mimiron, ToGC 25 steed in collection and Immortal done, there really nothing major left than to chase some transmog pieces right now and in prepatch.

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I doubt they’d miss the chance of easy cash with MOP classic. The MOP remix is basicly MOP SOD with the stuff they’ve added in.

Yeah, but they are killing the huge part of in in terms of rewards. If they bring CM armor sets into remix (as some players plead) that would be the death sentence to MoP Classic. And I started playing Classic project hopefully to see MoP in actual talents and skills to finish CM golds on 6 classes.

Pretty sure they will release pandas classic, i think that remix event is more like Plunderstorm just short time event, for like 3-4 month before next retail addon releases. Atleast that what i heared from some utuber.

I will cry raptor tears :sob:

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i resubbed for a month or two just to use all my gears stocked in the bank since 2019 for some transmog, and flex



Farming old transmogs and filling out the transmog tabs

Jump around in joy as my characters can finally cleanse their banks of saved up gear for transmog… this one has at most 20 slots left in the entire bank at this point. Will be amaaazing to get rid of it all.

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Finding out which Warlock spec i like more, demo or destro warlock.