This message is for Cataclysm’s PVP Staff section.
The season 10’s arena activity isnt going as well as season 9. 7 Ranks 1 and 30 Gladiators.
For the 37 titles slots, half of the spot are taken by the same players
( wont talk about booster, scripters and wintraders here )
Will you finally plan to extend the cutoff by including player’s alt ?
With your new system of conquest cap and gearing, in only 1 day with 27k conquest cap to do, a player can get a fully bis character and start pushing ratings, which means, top players can get a lot of toons at the top ratings.
Your title attribution system is biaised due to the easy way to get a fully gear character and you need to adapt it if you want to keep players and equity in your ladder.
For me, having alt is not a problem for me, bit counting them in the cutoff is.
If you dont think about an adaptation of this system, you will lose players and so, arena activities and season 11 will be worse.