Cataclysm Classic Hotfixes - 27 February

Cataclysm Classic
September 24, 2024

  • Players can again interact with Complimentary Brewfest Sampler in Durotar as intended.

I’ve seen now 21892839080 Chromies, Linken, Mankrik and stuff but 0 Nat Pagle for Achievement “Have… Have We Met?” to move on with my life wasting already enough time with this tard game.
Please fix your shiet, incompetent company.

u also fixed one issue at Brewfest that could be bypassed anyway by picking up mugs from Ironforge with including one bug now that the Daily with the Shouting in the city is entirely bugged and make us lose 15 coins. Thanks for nothing, really big clownsshow as used to.

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Why can’t I add pictures, links like imgur or sth to show how special our beloved buggfest by blizz is?

I have nice footage showing the pile of bugs we didn’t see, yet.

Don’t get worked up dude. They’ve abandoned cata and put all their efforts into SoD since it’s something relatively new and has better future for them. From Pre patch it became obvious they don’t care much about fixing bugs reported to them like guild achievements, profs, class bugs, old raid contents like ulduar and so on. What you can do? Either wait for them to pay attention to Classic again and don’t go throw money at them anymore cause of their bad service (I am talking about pre purchasing future classic expansions like mop etc.) and enjoy what you have, or go play retail or SoD even.

October 3, 2024
Cataclysm Classic

  • Players must now kill Daakara to complete Zul’Aman via the Random Dungeon Finder tool and receive Valor Points.
  • Druid
    • The fiery cat form from Fandral’s Flamescythe no longer cancels on leaving combat.

October 8, 2024
Cataclysm Classic

  • Priest
    • Fixed an issue with the range on Atonement’s healing.

October 9, 2024

Cataclysm Classic

  • It is no longer possible for a Paladin to have Beacon of Light active while not talented into it. If the talent is lost, Beacon of Light will cancel itself within a few seconds.

Any plans to nerf Divine Aegis stacks or a CD for Holy Radiance to punish players who spam them?

Also Lightwell is useless at the moment. Please add Glyph of Lightspring from MoP since it is coming anyway.

Where Twin Peaks Mountaineer fix?
A solid 4+ months of not being able to complete the Twin Peaks meta achievement.

October 30, 2024
Cataclysm Classic

  • Updated the price of Pip’s Solution Agitator on the Fissure Stone Vendor to now cost 15 Fissure Stone Fragments (was 30).
  • Fixed an issue where Elemental Rune Dungeons were showing up as Heroic dungeons when using the LFG tool.
  • Updated the Darkmoon Hammer and the Cloak of the Darkmoon Faire to now be transmoggable.

October 31, 2024
Cataclysm Classic

  • Fixed an issue preventing bonus valor from the Daily Heroic and Daily Zandalari dungeon queues from being rewarded properly. Players will see the correct bonus valor for 1st-of-day queues tomorrow.

Where’s Joyous Journeys hotfix? You’re stealing days from our gameplay, preventing players to level up by not fixing this issue! C’mon, you can do better than this!


November 1, 2024
Cataclysm Classic

  • Resolved an issue that temporarily caused Guild Bank tabs 7 and 8 to not populate when viewed.
    • Developers’ notes: It may be possible that players placed new items in the apparently empty Guild Bank slots between the launch of patch 4.4.1 and today’s fix. To address this, we will apply another hotfix with weekly scheduled maintenance that will identify and move such items to any empty slots elsewhere in the Guild Bank. This may result in items being placed in tabs with different permission settings, and you may need to move them to get them to the intended slot. If you suspect this applies to you, you may wish to make space in your Guild Bank as soon as possible.
  • Hunter
    • Explosive Shot should no longer miss a tick of damage when being reapplied in quick succession.
  • Warrior
    • Reverted recent changes to the timing of Rend refreshes with the Warrior talents Lambs to the Slaughter and Blood and Thunder.

The hunter fix dosnt work at all if you move or the boss move… This supposed hotfix for explosive shot has broken it even more, please go back or hotfix the hotfix again…

Please hotfix the hotfix

Please fix your hotfix

November 8, 2024
Cataclysm Classic

  • Fixed an issue where the Heroic Tier 11 Helm and Shoulders were costing a Tier Token and the normal version of the item, instead of just the Tier Token.

Can we get a Twin Peaks Mountaineer-achievement fix anytime soon?

November 14, 2024

Cataclysm Classic

  • Fixed an issue preventing the completion of the Twin Peaks Mountaineer.
  • Firelands
    • Alysrazor should no longer fail to fall to the ground if she is killed while in the air.