Fixed an issue preventing players from being able to complete the Legendary quest “Delegation” if they had the teleporter opened for them to The Anvil of Conflagration.
You broke 4p t12 even more. Now the set proc gets consumed with Explosive Shot during lock 'n load proc, making this set even more useless: we get that an already “no focus cost” shot becomes no cost
Also no sane person would have abused of the bug you tried to solve, so there were no needs to actually try to fix it.
While you’re at it, as a mana user it would be greatly appreciated if you also hotfixed a bug where mana void doesn’t return mana to the group, like it should. Don’t know what causes it, but it happened to me 4 times during an 8 hour farming period. The last one I can remember specifically was on Admiral Ripsnarl in Deadmines where he vanished back into the shadows, and the mana void was killed when he wasn’t there. It didn’t restore any mana at all, so perhaps the bug could be linked to the boss being phased, not attackable, or something similar?
This was also the same for all additional mana voids that encounter, btw. If one mana void bugs out, it seems like the rest of them will aswell during that particular encounter. This greatly hurts any affected mana user, obviously. Almost to the point of not being able to recover unless you either outgear the content massively or pull some 200 iq plays.
The issue Babastiltz mentions appears to be related to how quickly the mana voids die. It takes a few seconds for them to form, and drain the mana of players. During this time if they die, they still take 100% of a players mana, but return 0 on death. The recent change to their health has made this far more likely to happen
Fixed a bug preventing Fragment of Deathwing’s Jaw from dropping as intended.
Added a way for rogues who defeated Deathwing prior to the hotfix above to be able to get their missed drop. Near the entrance portal of Dragon Soul there is now an Elementium Fragment that will spawn when Deathwing has been defeated. This will allow rogues who meet the following conditions to retrieve the Fragment of Deathwing’s Jaw:
The rogue is currently on the Patricide quest.
The rogue has killed Deathwing before.
Deathwing has been defeated in the instance.
Protocol Twilight Dungeons
Updated the Gift of the Green Dragonflight’s stacking healing buff (Verdant Restoration) to now increase healing done by 20% per stack (was 10%).
Damage-over-time abilities can now generate stacks of Verdant Restoration but not remove stacks of the damage buff (Verdant Surge).
As already pointed out, this is still happening. Also in SFK, like a poster above pointed out. On the second boss, Baron Silverlaine, the mana void spawned briefly for a second and then just disappeared, leaving the group oom for the rest of the fight. Still killed the boss though, group was gigachad.
You should probably add the orc boss, Drahga Shadowburner, in Grim Batol to this list. Earlier today, he summoned blobs at the same time that he ran away mounting his dragon. This made the blobs evade, since they had to no target to run to. They didn’t become attackable again until the dragon landed on the ground, “eating” them the next second. Doesn’t seem like a very good interaction.