Cataclysm Classic Launch Notes - Updated June 4

Except 2s was not the prime format. All 3 brackets were equal. (Well there were few 3s tournament So 3s were closest to “main bracket”).

Well it was not dead till ulduar which kinda killed the game overall. Btw 2s were also dead till like last 2 weeks of season but i guess you still had ques at you 2k where you played so you didnt notice (dont worry you wont notice even in cata). Its actually sad youre claiming you can confirm everything in 5 min by Google search yet you dont have brain capacity to do so by yourself. :frowning:
Thinking of my last post i can’t laugh anymore, i pity you.

Alright its hopeless to try and apply logic and rational points even in the most simple format to you.

I know when I am dealing with someone that is being intentionally obtuse and circling the same stuff already covered over and over. Enjoy the dead arena.

Thats funny coming from you since most of what you said was wrong and refused to do the very same thing you recommended to me and simply use google search. I can see you ran out of arguments (not that you had any valid arguments to begin with). Have a nice day, enjoy your rival push. I hope it will take less than 1000 arenas like in wrath.

I ran out of arguments, because I already presented everything to you, and you just keep running around from it, never acknowledging when you are wrong. What am I suppose to do? Keep repeating myself until you finally grow the capacity to understand simple terms?

Let me try again for a final time, in a way you perhaps will understand.



Hopefully that helps get through your intentionally obtuse skull, but I have no doubt that you are back to circling the same nonsense again, for an 8th time.

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Because i’m not wrong. All of this happened already and I dont have goldfish memory so i can say I. 2s is trash bracket with way less skill expression than 3s (i guess people who Are bad at the game and want free rewards prefer it then which would explain you crying here). II. If people want to play 2s theres nothing holding them back and they will keep playing it 4fun so there’s no change for you. As you said people play 2s on private servers (without rewards probably), people play 2s on retail (again without rewards) and people will play cataclysm 2s. Yet you were unable to say ehy exactly this time around would people stop playing 2s out of nowhere. Are you forgetting that 99,5 of people who play this bracket dont get the reward that is being removed and it doesnt affect them? Yes some people might stop playing 2s however these people who would be discouraged by this change are a minority. So regarding this i can’t see any argument by you why would this bracket suddenly die.

The issue is youre repeating same thing over and over again while not backing up your argument and all saying i’m wrong with argument “go check google”.

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Yup, back to circling. I know when someone is acting like a kid. You don’t entertain them lol.

Grow up stop acting like a kid.

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The question isnt if 3s requires more skill and coordination than 2s, yes it does.
The real question is if the removal of titles from 2s and 5s makes more people wanna play 3s, and I think that alone wont have a big impact (people lower than duelist couldnt care less about the titles, but those players make 95% of the arena population).

We need a decent arena crossrealm groupfinder and more incentives for casuals and even pvers (for example more valorpoints on top of your pve cap for 10 wins) to try 3v3.

Yes because you were not able to answer properly or argue at all. Also you said “people play 2s cos Its more fun” however general consensus is people Are playing 2s cos theres lower entry barrier. Ofc theres no data for this so its up to a debate.

Then you said there was variety of setups in 2s where i replied theres 1/5 glad spots occupied by warriors (+x of them being banned, with like 4 setups making most of ladder) and you were not able to show me i’m wrong (well i Guess since its impossible since i’m right and unlike you i have my match history from this mmr).

I dont see anything from you proving i’m wrong. Also i noticed you’re connecting wrong stuff cos the reason why people on private server play 2s more is most likely the entry barrier (low population which is also not competitive with huge gaps between players - there are like 3 teams queing max, one of them is getting stomped, they stop cos they can’t win a single game while with higher population they would drop mmr and start facing worse teams) as i said before.

Basically you have no data/knowledge about the issue youre trying to argue about which is the reason why youre unable to argue. Youre the one circling cos you simply dont have capacity to talk/argue any further.

Hahah dude, it so funny seeing actual glad/r1 talking about this topic and discussing with rival Players who arent even affected. It blows my mind but it is realy entertaining to read haha

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friend, it seems you have never played gladrating and played the classics, why are you writing something? if the blizzards don’t change anything, you’ll be standing for 15 minutes in a 3x3 reg in prime time.

Does anyone read the forums? Or listen to us?

Warglaives still can’t be transmogged. In addition removing the 2’s bracket from pvp will just kill off Cata for a lot of people including me? Why remove glad rewards… uhhhh i give up sometimes.


Did you actually read the conversation ? Guess not, otherwise you wouldnt even comment :rofl:

If i understand correctly, i could transmog it without R14 from Classic? Poggers, thx Blizz :+1:

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You’ll still need the appropriate rank/achievement though right? It would devalue the transmog significantly if you don’t.

What do you think is more difficult, 2x2 or 3x3?I’m talking about gameplay and the ease of ranking up.

Not it’s doesn’t and no the pvp rank for it is bs.
It looks fancy and everyone should have access to it since everyone bought it back then with their honor or in Vanilla with rating.
Every else pvp gear is moggable so should this also!

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Added to OP–

Getting to Vashj’ir

To alleviate potential congestion issues, on launch day we’ve removed a few of the questing prerequisites to use the portal to Vashj’ir that can be found at the Western Earthshrine in the Valley of Wisdom in Orgrimmar and The Eastern Earthshrine near the Stormwind Keep in Stormwind.


Doesn’t it work now? I think I still see “Replica” PVP stuff.

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Yeah no Patch same Version and no Tmogs.

As far as I understand, there is no information yet on whether it will be available anytime soon :frowning: