Currently the only two ways to obtain the new epic gems are the following:
Kill 1 of 7 bosses in Dragonsoul and buy a an item which can give you either a 5g uncommon green gem or a 5000g queen's garnet epic gem (entirely RNG).
Kill Madness of Deathwing in dragonsoul and get a 1/3 of getting either a 500g gem or a 5000g Queen's Garnet red gem.
Neither is a great option if we’re being honest, and this falls short of blizzard’s classic wow changes related to accessibility.
In both TBC and WotLK we were able to buy the epic gems with dungeon currency (15 in tbc, 20 in wotlk), and considering the new twilight protocol dungeon currency and vendor, adding the epic gems into the obsidian fragment vendor would be a great way to keep better geared players running the dungeons to help new alts and players alike with their gearing progress.
Even back in original Cataclysm this was known to be a horrible system, why has there been no communication at all from blizzard’s end related to this - they’ve improved legendary weapons, even recently in 20th anniversary version of classic wow they recently changed black lotus because flasks were in a bad spot - but somehow this goes unchanged?
Considering a set of gear has between 18-22 gems, how is paying approx 100,000 gold acceptable for gems alone? Especially due to a system that was known to be extremely faulty.
Yup, casuals can forget gemming the gear with epic gems.
It would be nice if they were added to the Twilight vendor… Like 25 tokens per gem or something.
I do not understand what your point is. Not everyone is in a super elite guild. Many people are casuals and need all they can get to progress the raids. The alternative is a hard hit wall, and eventually quit cause who has time to wipe endlessly, we are too old for that. So yes, we need epic gems.
On my server the red epic gems are 6k. When you obtain 410 loot, you should be able to put the best enchant/gems on it without the need to swipe the card.
Put rare red gems, they are only 10 main stat less, that is less than 45% of what we have on single a gear piece right now.
Red epic gems are just gold sinks for try hards and credit card warriors and a way to profit anyone struggling on first heroics (because these gems won’t make em follow the strat better) .
If you dont raid DS HC, you dont need epic gems. Heck, doubt you need epic gems for DS HC even.
Yes its fun with epic gems, but it is no way needed. And if you are a casual, you dont need epic gems at all.
Heck, I dont bother to pay 500g for red gems on my gear, I get cheaper orange ones. Yes, not as good, but I dont do cutting edge content, hardly raid at all. So there is no point in going broke just for a few extra stats on my gear.
the only place in there where you can struggle with dps is spine hc . and even that is unlikely seeing how every caster is runing around with leggo staff.