Cataclysm exclusive Story/Lore content

I am one of those rare players who do not play expansions (Retail or Classic) for the gameplay, the communities or the mechanis. I play for the story.

One of the things I enjoy in Classic is to be able to play part of the story of the game that is not available anymore. Specially to complete things I missed back in the day. There are some removed quest chains I missed during the original expansion that I still regret leaving them incomplete

For clarification in this post I consider content anything that has an story on it. Like a quest chain, or a zone, or a dungeon. This post isn’t about Achievements, mounts, pets and items in general.

This list will include story that will be available only in Cataclysm. You can found it in Retail nor in Classic Era.

Cataclysm story not in Retail

  • The Cata Pre-Event

  • The introduction quest on alliance side to the Twilight Highlands where Anduin gets kidnapped and so we help the SI:7 to the get the Crown Prince back

  • A funny scene in the Goblin Intro Quest when you first meet Garrosh as Goblin.

  • Two children’s week quests have different scenes in Retail and Cataclysm, The one with Sylvanas and the one with Magni Bronzebeard.

  • Darkmoon faire island is the first version of the isle. Although Retail hasn’t removed anything (except being able to PVP on the exterior), only expand it, but that means 2 versions of the same isle available to explore.

  • I believe the initial scene in the boat before arriving into Vashj’ir isn’t in Retail. The quest has not been removed, but the scene was so buggy that I think it teleports the player directly to the zone. Unless it has been fixed recently. It was bugged during Legion

  • The original Scholomance was removed in MOP. Even if the dungeon itself isn’t Cataclysm content it had exclusive quest inside this dungeon that were only available until MOP. This version of the dungeon has been restored recently in Retail but without the quests.

  • Quests involving Garrosh in Orgrimmar are slightly different due to him not being in Orgrimmar anymore.

  • If I include Garrosh I supose I must mention the same happen with Vol’jin, Sylvanas and Varian in their respective cities. None of those quests had been removed but the texts has been changed.

  • Razorfen Kraul, Razorfen Downs, Blackfathom Deeps and Upper Black Rock Sphere exclusive Cataclysm quests. Similar to Sholomance, having the Vanilla dungeon in Cataclys with new quests insite the dungeon. Those dungeons were revamped in Warlords of Draenor

  • The same for Ragefire Chasm revamped in MOP, but I am not sure if there are Cataclysm only quests

TBC/WOTLK story removed after Cataclysm

  • Kharazhan attunement quest chain and Nightbane quest chain from TBC. Removed in Legion.

  • The exterior of Kharazhan were changed in Legion. Zidormi does not allow players to travel back into TBC version unlike other changes affecting Cataclysm zones.

  • Love is in the Air has been revamped in 2024. The quests from 2010 version is no longer in Retail. Only in Cataclysm

  • Vol’jin speech every 12 hours during Brewfest.

  • The boat between Darnassus and Exodar and the Zepellin between Orgrimaar and Undercity. Why I include this? Well, this particular goblin tripulation are the best ones on all WOW transports. I love their funny dialogues.

TBC/WOTLK story removed with Cataclysm

I know my intention was to show what is only available in Cataclysm but with the removal of WOTLK the Old World is no longer available. Some people believe that is not important due to that version exits in Classic Era but the Old World had TBC and WOTLK exclusive lore that will lost with Cataclysm and even with Classic Era wil be unplayeable.

  • Blood Elfs and Draeneis level 10 class quests
  • Blood Elfs Paladin and Shamans Draenis class quests up to level 60, including an Horde version of the Charger quest chain, including a new boss in Scholomance
  • Druids Epic Flying quest chain
  • The original Zul’aman. Even if the revamped dungeon is exactly the same there are two big differences: A quest chain to help a hostage troll isn’t in Cataclysm and Zul’jin has been replaced by another boss
  • The Battle for Undercity
  • Operation Gnomereggan and Zandalane Fall
  • Quests related with keys from TBC and WOTLK
  • The final 3 quests in the Hero of Maghar questline, with Thrall telling Garrosh about his father.

The Cata Pre-Event, the introduction quest on alliance side to the Twilight Highlands where Anduin gets kidnapped and so we help the SI:7 to the get the Crown Prince back and a funny scene in the Goblin Intro Quest when you first meet Garrosh as Goblin.

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Thank you, except for the pre-event I didn’t remember those small things.

I think there is also some more small this only in Cataclysm:

  • Two children’s week quests have different scenes in Retail and Cataclysm, The one with Sylvanas and the one with Magni Bronzebeard.

  • Darkmoon faire island is the first version of the isle. Although Retail hasn’t removed anything (except being able to PVP on the exterior), only expand it, but that means 2 versions of the same isle available to explore.

  • I believe the initial scene in the boat before arriving into Vashj’ir isn’t in Retail. The quest has not been removed, but the scene was so buggy that I think it teleports the player directly to the zone. Unless it has been fixed recently

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Oh it is bugged? Then I am one of the few that got lucky.

new 5ppl and raid PVE content, it is new from both mechanics pov and visuals pov, people completed DF content thousands times

world PVP thanks to mandatory quests and absence of warmode which is a total scam, retail sharding is a scam too

server wide community, not this xrealm retail trash

As I already said in the OP post I don’t care about that type of content because I play for the story. I am a lone worf who only play for that. Complete quests, do each dungeon and raids once, watch any lore scene available, read any in-game books, explore each zone once, etc. The story, that’s it.

So, with that mindset, there is no new dungeon nor raid because all of them are available in Retail and for playing for doing dungeons exactly one time to view the story I do not care about mechanics or visuals.

The same happens with World PVP or cummunity. Playing alone I do not care if there are one million players around me or just me. Playing alone I do not care if there is one isolated realm or multiple realm connected because… that involve other people and I don’t care about other people.


I don’t care, I have audible for this

If you don’t care why are you wasting your time in this post? It is weird, man.

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I compiled a list of removed Cataclysm content with the things mentioned and some others I have remember:

  • The original Scholomance was removed in MOP. Even if the dungeon itself isn’t Cataclysm content it had exclusive quest inside this dungeon that were only available until MOP. This version of the dungeon has been restored recently in Retail but without the quests.

  • Quests involving Garrosh in Orgrimmar are slightly different due to him not being in Orgrimmar anymore.

  • If I include Garrosh I supose I must mention the same happen with Vol’jin, Sylvanas and Varian in their respective cities. None of those quests had been removed but the texts has been changed.

I also included in the list TBC/WOTLK Content (wich means is not in Classic Era realms) that was available in Cataclysm but is not in Retail

  • Kharazhan attunement quest chain and Nightbane quest chain from TBC. Removed in Legion.

  • The exterior of Kharazhan were changed in Legion. Zidormi does not allow players to travel back into TBC version unlike other changes affecting Cataclysm zones.

  • Love is in the Air has been revamped in 2024. The quest from 2010 version is no longer in Retail. Only in Cataclysm

  • Vol’jin speech every 12 hours during Brewfest.

  • The boat between Darnassus and Exodar and the Zepellin between Orgrimaar and Undercity. Why I include this? Well, this particular goblin tripulation are the best ones on all WOW transports. I love their funny dialogues.

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Oh yeah. The same for Alliance Version of Scarlet Monastry where a Scarlet lead a rebellion and starts to dance in the well if you are successfull

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And before Cata, there was other unique quests related to Scholomance inside and outside the dungeon. The Cata versions are just kill quests for bosses (yes, even the Pre-MoP ones).

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But those quests go away once Cataclysm arrives, right? Like most other quests from the Old Azeroth.

Anyway, if those are Vanilla quests still available in Cataclysm but not in Retail I haven’t included them yet because those are still available in Classic Era. But I will add a section for those things too, once I finish the list of content only playable in Cataclysm

Included more vanilla dungeons available in Cataclysm with exclusive quests

  • Razorfen Kraul, Razorfen Downs, Blackfathom Deeps and Lower Black Rock Sphere exclusive Cataclysm quests. Similar to Sholomance, having the Vanilla dungeon in Cataclys with new quests insite the dungeon. Those dungeons were revamped in Warlords of Draenor

Also added the list of quests from TBC and WOTLK in the Old World that will be removed with Cataclysms, wich means is not available in any official server once WOTLK is removed.

The only difference between Retail and Cata *cough Classic is it isn’t 100% same but 99% and that’s it. Here’s your answer!

No, thank you. That is not a valid answer.

But that’s 99% accurate, even 100% if you look at bigger picture. Same sh!t.

I already knew that the difference is minimal. 1%? I believe the real % is even lower. I don’t need a post for that.
I want to know what content exacly there will be only in Cataclysm so I can made my todo lists of things to complete in Classic Cataclysm.

That it is why I found your answer worthless. Because I am asking people to enumarte that content and you haven’t named even a single quest.

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Gotcha! Good luck on your hunt but if I were you I wouldn’t bother with Cata and stick to Retail. I hope there aren’t many group content achievements because oh boy, it’s gonna be tough to find players to complete, especially phases are rushed with lightning speed.

There is no hight level content exclusive to Cataclysm that I am aware of. That is why is one the best preserved expansions. Every max level dungeon, raid and quest chain is still available in Retail.

The only removed things that I am aware are leveling quests, world event quests, a TBC raid quest chain and vanilla dungeons. All of this can be solo by anyone, even bellow level 85.

Oh yeah about TBC removed with Cata.
The finish to the Mag’har Story where Garrosh is introduced to Thrall in Orgrimmar who tells him about the true Ending of his father.

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