Cataclysm: how was this allowed?

I only played post cataclysm in retail, so I never was affected by nostalgia goggles.

Today, the prepatch was launched and a ton of cool armour, weapons, mounts, titles and pets disappeared over night.

It genuinely baffles me how this was allowed back in the day. It feels like Cataclysm removed more than it added.

I understand now why people hate Cataclysm. Not for it’s end game content, but that it removed a huge chunk of the game and replaced it with an empty void full of pop culture references.

No wonder this expansion failed so hard.


Exactly that. The Azeroth we knew and loved was gone overnight. Quests and questchains that we’d worked through just … gone.
I think it was shock that ‘our’ world vanished.
I never really forgave them for Cata …


I loved the change but I do understand why others were upset about it. It is my favourite expansion. I don’t forgive them for the absolute horrible buggy mess this pre-patch launch is, though.

And thus begins the end of classic.

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Blizz slowly drip fed us the things lost in later expansions.

You’ll just have to wait for Classic versions of those expansions! :smiling_imp:

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Personally i wish there were more cataclysm style events that rework the world.

I might be the only one but i actually like that cataclysm changed the world.

Hey, it’s Abbot!

I do think it was a mistake not keeping tbc and wotlk era servers. I can see now that a lot of woltk players will be moving back to private servers once again.

It really didn’t bother me about the world changing and items going. Cata had a decent story and it is where I completed my most hardcore raiding. Granted, I had no life then but damn, I was into it so much.

Things should move on, develop and cause upset, that is part of storytelling.

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