Cataclysm is a mistake and Blizzard knows it

No, Blizz are speeding it up because they know people will race through the content (It has all been figured out, explained, dissected, and whatnot back when Cataclysm was Retail), and because the worst part of the expansion was the year-long content drought at the end.


i think you need to read again its not 2 months per tier

If they called it like Cataclysm Redux or something other than Classic, then people wouldn’t moan “that’s not classic” although I think we would need an era server for TBC and WotLK too.


O yeah, that could to work.

Let’s not exagerate here
Its mostly that the draw of classic was the inaccessible old world which is now once again in cataclym inaccessible
Its not that cataclysm is most hated, you’d be suprised to find out that its not. Its just that there was never any point to classic beyond wrath because wrath was the last expac before the old world overhaul that created the demand for the vanilla experience.

There is a quick fix to that : Come play retail. EZ.

Op is just trolling. Has never replied to any comment in his own thread and has literally nothing but his own opinion to back up his claims. I’ve seen more hype for cata than anything else. Most haters are the same 2-3 people repeatedly making threads anyway.
So don’t play it?


I personally do not like Cataclysm and will not be playing it.

But… I can easily imagine that if Cata had been the first WoW expansion I played, it would have been one of - of not even the - favorite expansion.

My reasons for disliking the expansion are purely personal, but for me it will always be the expansion that destroyed the world I had come to love so much. I would fly around in zones I know I had been in, but had no memories from anymore.

If I try to remove my nostalgia-goggles for a minute, Cataclysms world and questing was a major improvement. Especially for a new player. Many inconveniences and old flavors (like warlocks soul shards) were removed.

I can easily see Cataclysm Classic become just as successful as the other re-releases (perhaps with the exception of the first few months of OG WoW: Classic). Even if I’m not gonna take part; I am sure many others will.

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I honestly think there might be a place for servers where everything runs at 4-6x regular speed. 4-6 months per expansion, you get each raid for a few weeks, bash it down and move on. A little bit of even unpopular expansions might be ok when they don’t drag out.

This. So much this. Leaving one TBC server and one Wrath server, as well as the one Vanilla server, wouldn’t kill anyone.


The Cata is already out? I didn’t even see any mention of that.

Not yet. Next month.

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I personally enjoyed BFA, mainlt because it was my first Expansion that I jumped into WOW.
Out of the 3 expansions I’ve played, I have to say SL was my least enjoyed one.
The Visuals got dull, the story got bad and the farming/renown and SL gear systems was awful. I had to stop playing during Korthia because I got so burned out from the grinding.

I liked bfa (except corruption), wod only was good cos the challenge mode weapons, sl was horrible, alongside with cataclysm.

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I think WOD (for pvers) and Shadowlands (for majority of players) is widely considered the worst given the peak subscription count was cataclysm …

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I mean, Cataclysm is a significant error, and they are well aware of it! That’s precisely why they are hastening its final phase, launching it just 7 months after its initial release. They are fully aware that it is the most despised expansion. I wonder, what sort of enjoyment and delight can one expect with a mere 2 months allocated for each phase? It leaves no time for alts or any other activities.

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