Cataclysm is a mistake and Blizzard knows it

That’s why they’re rushing it with last phase being pushed after only 7 month after release. They know it’s the most hated expansion. What kind of fun, joy are you going to get with 2 months for each phase, that’s my question?!! No time even for alts or whatsoever.


Maybe, maybe not. BTW, where you got the info for seven months claim?

Cataclysm, content wise was a good expansion.
I personally do not like the changes they made to the overworld with it, but it was a good expansion that built further upon the lore and offered a lot of things to do.

Not sure where you get your sources from, or what even is your point.
Active players will show whether this is gone be a success or not.


Funny I thought it was “insert current expansion here”


nah - they are rushing it because they realised how big cash cow yearly releases of “classic” are due to epic editions and char boost selling.

same way they will go with yearly releases of retail - where it will be new norm that we will be getting 1 raid 2 seasons of m+ .

they can charge this way twice for what normaly would have been 1 expansion .


Changes to the world were needed.

Why would any one do the same 1 - 60 quests over and over again? It gets old!
I personally can’t wait for the shattered world and new quest.

People hated Cata because of its content drought, because it changed their beloved classes and oddly - as you write - they hated the shattering.
I get that not being able to see the old world you fell in love with is a bit sad.
But life goes on and changes do happen! It’s actually quite important.

Considering how dead the non-shattered world feels in Classic Wrath, I really can’t see the shattering as a valid reason for hating Cata. Especially not when we have Classic Era for those who miss the old world.

They’ve already stated that the expansion will go a lot quicker than OG Cata.
They’re doing that to avoid periods of content drought.
I don’t know of any specific timings, but I’ve guessed a year until MoP, so 7 or 8 months until the final phase is probably not that far off.

We’ll be getting the Systems Patch April 30, and the full Cataclysm will be available May 20.

We can look forward to three major patches, Rise of the Zandalari, Rage of the Firelands and Hour of Twilight.

Rise of the Zandalari will arrive late July or early August. It comes with two new dungeons, no raid.
According to the roadmap, it looks to last between one and two months.

Rage of the Firelands can then be expected in September or October.
This brings a new raid to the Cataclysm.

The roadmap doesn’t show the last patch, Hour of Twilight, so as of now, we can expect that at some point in 2025.

Ignoring Rise of the Zandalari each patch then looks to last about three to four months.

The Cata complaints really are meme at this stage, people just blatantly making stuff up.


cata will be very good experience - i will enjoy it a lot.

personaly i loved cata dungeons - especialy zandalari ones.

the only thing i dont like is blizzard approach to classic.

instead once classic expansion is over making them into merged museum server letting anyone experience that at any given time - they completly destroy it by making it progresion server.

my wolk hunter/druid / pala are more then ready for leveling in cata :slight_smile:

it was very good decision to boost them and spam ICC - havent had such fun raiding in years :slight_smile:

will also enjoy leveling my lock / shammy / mage in preparation for heavy DS spam by spaming dungeons since blizz is not longer trolling with no lfg :slight_smile:

damn i miss cata times :stuck_out_tongue: listening to “the instance” archival podcasts from that time while jogging sometimes to relive notalgia :slight_smile:


I love Cataclysm and I am very excited to play it again. I feel for others and wish they would put in at least one TBC and WoTLK era realm for them. I don’t feel this needed rush to just chase end game, classic is about the journey and that still applies to Cata for me.

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No, it was crap. Some might even argue that WoW’s downfall started at the end of WotLK.


WoW’s downfall started at the beginning of Wrath. That’s when the game stopped gaining new subscribers.
It’s really not that odd people stopped playing WoW around Cata.
There are actually many good reason for the subscriber drop.

  1. People who started around Vanilla / TBC would probably be starting college or university by now. (this is the reason I stopped playing WoW, had nothing to do with Cata)

  2. People had fallen in love with Vanilla and wouldn’t accept any changes. (Game would have been dead anyways as people grow tired of doing the same stuff all day)

  3. Been there, done that… Time for something new. With two patches done already, WoW will always just be more of the same. It’s really not that unlikely that casual players would stop being a permanent subscriber and just subscribe once in a while.

  4. Content drought of Cata. This is a fair reason to hate Cata, but an odd one… I say that considering how WoW players want era realms where they’re doing the same stuff over and over again, so why would content drought be an issue?

  5. Disliking the Cata lore. I do think the shattering and changes of 1 - 60 was to make the old experience a new experience. To help make it fresh for newer players.
    If the lore is good or not, that’s an other question.

I’m tired of the old world, I’m thankfull for the shattering and I can’t wait to play Cataclysm Classic. Leveling new characters.



If they knew it’s a mistake they wouldn’t be doing it. They did the polls and must have reasons to believe it’s something worth doing.

As for Cataclysm being the most hated expansion… that’s a bit of a bold claim. There’s a few more contenders for that title.



I don’t think this is true anymore. We’ve had WoD, BFA and SL since then all of which were poorly received and probably liked less than Cata.
A large part of why Cata was poorly received at the time was because we went from Wrath with 10 zones into Cata with 5 zones. But BFA had 3 leveling zones and the others have had 4.
Another major issue with Cata was lack of end game until Molten front came and then a long Dragon Soul period.
With a Classic version they don’t need to have the long waits.

I won’t be playing Cata Classic (didn’t play any of the other either) but I don’t see it as being a disaster.
I do think MOP will be better received than Cata though.

which is so funny because mop on launch had terrible reception

A lot of that was “ooh, Kung Fu Panda rip off” or “Panda are stupid”.
Along with the bad taste from Cata.

MOP was mostly well received by players who played it. It had it’s problems and complaints (mostly around rep grinds being locked behind other rep grinds).

So when WoD launched WoW was in pretty good shape but WoD disappointed players when they got to max level and found so little to do (perhaps an over-reaction to the complaints about rep grinds in MOP, which could have been fixed rather than being removed).


Since Cata is not the real classic they could to make modified client instead #no changes. For an example, modern character models and things like that.

Honestly it just needs a rename at this point and maybe people will stop complaining.

Hmm, not sure what do you mean.