Cataclysm NEED server merge or free transfer NOW

Cataclysm keeps loosing players and the community is all split into several servers. In most of EU servers is barely possible to find guilds that suit your needs or raid runs during the day, despite Dragon Soul released only few days ago.
Do Blizzard really think to keep their players for 6 months in this condition till Pandaria release?
Sod got realm merges very fast, when is Cata getting any proper attention? Wether is a server merge, or a free transfer, or a cross-realm raid/guild, the solution must come NOW if you care of keeping players interested in Classic Progression. We pay to play the game, not to fly around in Stormwind.


You know tht they didn’t even close the servers they announced they would a year ago yet, do you? And you expect anything to be done now?

They will wait till MOP to fix the realms issues and people will bend to it