Hi Everyone,
I’m making this post to get some feedback and suggestions.
I’ve been working on a new tool for WoW for a while, and it’s finally in a state where people can start using (or rather testing) it.
It’s a customizable profession leveling guide generator, similar to my New World one, which uses the most recent data from official auction house API and recipe information from the most recent patch. Updates are automated, so it will always stay up-to-date.
For now I only implemented the Cataclysm classic, and working on the rest, as well as improvements on both accuracy and usability.
Here is the site:
What I’m planning to add next:
- Ability to exclude recipes and reagents from the guides.
- Full summary of shopping list with an option to export to TSM.
- Option to adjust the minimum acceptable skill up chance, which is currently automated and prefers 100%.
I sincerely hope you will find it useful and enjoy it.