Cataclysm Transmog, features from current retail?

I dont know if this is already planned but it would be great if we could use some features of transmog that retail is using in Cataclysm. Such as being able to hide almost every slot (except pants) and possibly also use grey/white items for transmog.
It is very simple additions (that should have been a thing from the beginning of the transmog system) that opens up so many more transmog possibilities. Would love to see it in Cataclysm aswell!

I read that they will be using the “wardrobe tab” (introduced in legion?) but I dont remember when they added the optional “hide slots” features. Being able to transmog white and grey items was added as late as Dragonflight.

If someone here have beta, could you check if this is the case?

cant mog legendaries / cant hide any armor / cant mog gray items (thats whats up so far on beta) so yes kind of sad especially the hiding

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Aww :frowning_face: Thats a shame. Just being able to hide slots could transform a look into a whole new one. Hopefully they add it later on. Cheers for checking it up! :smile:


Current transmog on the beta is a disgrace. I have no clue why they decided to scrap the OG Cata system but then also not just use the current Dragonflight one (we’re using the Dragonflight client already) but instead decided to…backport the Legion system? Like why?

I really hope they’re still heavily working on this.

They want to make as fast but smooth transition from Classic to Retail as possible, but with less work as well. So we are hatting same transmog system as in Retail, but with few options reminding players of Shadowlands missing out.

The Cataclysm version of transmog was annoying, the retail version is much better. If you want it to be “Classic” you wouldn’t have transmog to begin with.

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