Censorship on forums

Me too, is it this Dave?

Not ingame.

We are indeed entitled of freedom of speech, but not on going full nuke on the official forum :joy::joy: itā€™s like going to someone elseā€™s house and complain about how he set up the furniture, calling him a loserā€¦ wellā€¦ I donā€™t think youā€™re going to get invited again soon.

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Not on the forums weā€™re not, the people who make them control what is said. They could ban you for using the word ā€œOrangeā€ if they wanted, or even for no reason.

Edit: On another point I was just watching countdown and 4 letters came up at the start of a round, H, I, T, and S. I moved them around and found a really dirty word, Sith.


I think it might be. Damn, going to go and listen to some Carter USM nowā€¦

Did you actually read the whole post of mine or you just stopped where you quoted me?? :joy::joy::joy::stuck_out_tongue:

I somehow think that a lot of times this is the reason why a lot can be allowed to proceed on the forums, while others recieve a little vacation.

I do think that we on the EU forum have a long leash sometimes.

Last year we had a very long debate regarding language , and a lot of us bypassed the filter because of the debate - The Forum Guardians kept most of the threads open and running for a long time despite flaggs and openly circumvent the filter.
(the word autism was debated in many threads at that time, if anyone remember)

For the sake of debate I think we are allowed to a lot more than on the US that seem to have more active mods, who change naughty post or delete a discussion before it reaches the end.

Or maybe we just have been lucky and our discussions fall on that time of year when all the Blizz employees are going on a camp to learn to work together and spend days building towers out of spaghetti and marshmellows :wink:


There are a lot of words that arenā€™t censored on the forums that are rude in English. I wonā€™t put any and itā€™s best if you donā€™t try either but there are quite a few.

Nobody but autists is allowed to call people out for being autistic.

Thatā€™s our word.

And Aspergerā€™s! It goes under just Autism now (at least in the UK, IDK about the rest of you), but when I got diagnosed it was separate. Stilla type of autism, of course, but a seperate diagnosis.

I guess weā€™re no longer special (sniff).

Iā€™m sorry :bowing_woman:

You sir, are more weird than my cat :face_with_monocle:

And you donā€™t know how weird my cat it, so you canā€™t know how offensive this is ( Ķ”Ā° ĶœŹ– Ķ”Ā°)

Yeah, same for me.

Iā€™m offended that you compare me to a cat.

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shakes fist

Damm you snowflakes :snowflake:


Constructive feedback doesnā€™t mean you can use bad language and insult people.

Stop trying to be the victim and coming out with even more bad language and insults. Try to grow up and learn how to express yourself in a mature fashion and people will start listening to you.
As you are now all most will see is a tantrum being thrown by an immature individual and therefore not worth listening to.


Iā€™ll take you seriously when you have a serious character name.

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Since temperatures went up nowadays we are gonna need to be extra careful, they are gonna melt much more easily nowadays :upside_down_face:


How many points do I get on the Moocat scale?

I flagged this for the same reason i prolly got muted. Getting around the filter

Oh dear, no more heated debates then :pensive:

[Putting Moocat scanner over Marius-aggramar]


Reads: TILT

Well, it seem like we have a problem - I might have to flagg every post you make to make sure nothing happens to us normal posters :face_with_monocle:


Stop oppressing me by calling me normal.

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Iā€™m sorry, but you are no longer the special oneā€¦ Youā€™ll have to get in line and act like the rest of us from now on :relieved:

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