Censorship on forums

One of the best trolls here though. Sheer volume doesn’t match the big R but you can feel the passion put into each piece of bait. Most others seem too obviously detached, and that does not make for good provocation.

Put myself in some piping hot water if they’re genuine though.


This is so true. What’s the point of giving constructive feedback when the other half (Blizzard) doesn’t a give a single f about your opinion?

Especially Ion. He doesn’t give the slightest of f about what someone has to say. He has a vision and it’s absolute. He doesn’t deserve to be the director of WoW.


Pretty sure the metaphor would have been the dodgy bit, I mean it was relatively harmless to be honest. It won’t have been for criticising the tousle haired buffoon.

The slightly concerning thing is that sometimes I do think the system can be open to misinterpretation. For example there is a certain word often used by the Irish, that is just one vowel away from a quite nasty swearword that begins with the same letter. Now the way the Irish use it, it is -not- actually a swear word. It just isn’t! Its as bad language as saying of something “Oh chuck it away” I mean that’s what it means linguistically in Ireland. ‘To jettison something of no value’. However because it is so extremely close to the swear word in English, (and in Ireland too) I always get worried I would get suspended for using the word as an ‘attempt to circumnavigate the rules on swearing’ I’d be interested on a mod opinion on that one, but I’m not going to test it.

Wipes brow Brave or what, I so nearly typed the non-swear word in during that, but I think you all know the two words I mean.

Actually I think it was because someone was being unnecessarily unpleasant about someone else. Plus I’m not even sure what point they were trying to make. Look at his CV? The dude was a New York Lawyer, do you know how much money those guys make? His CV is probably a darned sight healthier than most of ours here!

Bring back dislikes

Too many people seem to think reporting something they don’t like is acceptable


Care to make up more nonsense? Things get changed all the time thanks to feedback. But please continue to ride that hate bandwagon though.


All you have to remember when you post is don’t swear or mask swearing, be nice, don’t insult people or be aggressive and don’t make extremist statements.

And never attack a person, just their points.

In other words never say anything that a U film can’t have, the game may be a 12 but the forums aren’t.


The government uses sea gulls to spy on us. They’re outfitted with cybernetic camera eyes that transmits back to intelligence agencies that are tracking us.


I have bin spankt many a time on this forum.

Sometime, even though you think you’re in the right, you’re not.

If people didn’t get spankt, this would be 4chan or insert dark web forum here

So toxic, chill…

It’s all about how we choose to post.


Why did I not know this? I live by the seaside, lots of seagulls - and I thought they were only there to annoy me when I put laundry on the line to dry :wink:


Some people get flagged for no reason and nobody " un flag them ".
That must be changed!


They said nonsense, this is documented fact. I was told it by a bloke called Dave, he seems to live down the side of a railway bridge, he’s got a dog on a rope. The dog is also called Dave, but its Dave with a small ‘d’, so dave. Thank goodness, it would have gotten really confusing otherwise, but yeah, he confirmed it, he used to work for BAE and was part of the team that made the cameras for those sea gulls, till he got the sack for doing the naughty with his bosses’ wife.

True facts. Dave wouldn’t lie about that.

Sometimes he goes to the field and shouts at Cows…

Genius mind he has, genius…


I feel like I know this Dave…

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You had your chance to speak freely, that doesn’t mean breaking the rules won’t have consequences. Let’s try to learn from that on these forums, it’s not that pleasant in real life.

So you came up with the solution, which is to be as toxic as possible. Which will be ignored as well and you will get a forum suspension on top of that… That’s very clever indeed.


You probably got muted because of the excess toxicity and insults in your answers.

Whoever dares to not agree with you starts to get every toxic word in your “vocabulary”

You still wonder why you get muted?
You call him a looser while you are a raging child inside the forums over nothing, in the game that already claimed to “QUIT”. Such an irony :laughing:


In my mind at least that is one of the big ones.

I am by nature a very sweary person and I don’t hold back when at work (I swear like a sailor because I am a sailor) but I think that neither public forums nor in front of juveniles is the place to swear, even if you’re trying to mask the curse word.

Anyway at least you got an answer.

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Post deleted

I got muted for 4 days with no explanation whatsoever.

Meanwhile Boosters are allowed to break the actual rules ingame with IMPUNITY.

Nothing will get done and nothing will ever get done for abusing the M+ and Raid ques to sell boosts and to sell visions. Which, mind you, is against the same rules that got applied to me.

Blizzard censors anything that threatens their bottom line and does not toe the narrative.

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Do you get informed if you’re muted? Like an email or message?