Census results on Stonespine

Hi there,

I installed CensusPlusClassic last night and started a census running at 12:15AM server time (Monday morning) which ran for 40 minutes on the Hordeside. The highest level player detected online at that time was level 52. There were 6014 characters logged in during the time that the Census was running. (12:15AM-12:55AM server time.)

I am going to try running regular census every day around 6PM server time. However I can only do the Hordeside. I invite Alliance players to install CensusPlusClassic on Curseforge and post their results from roughly the same time server time so we can get a good idea now that the dust is settling.

Thank you.

Census run today (2nd Sept) from 17:30PM - 18:32PM.

8872 Horde were found online during this time, some may have been missed if they logged in/off after I started. Highest level is a level 54 Troll Hunter.