CensusPlus Classic

Damn that datastudio is not close to whats real. 23% for alliance and 76% for horde on Gehennas? No way in hell :smiley:

And Pyrewood is back under US servers again xD

yeah im not so sure about the statistics for server population/balance, whats the solution to get a proper estimate?

The site relies on people recording the data. As there was no data for my realm initially, I downloaded the addon and have started doing uploads.

The site owner kindly changed Pyrewood to EU as well, and some others after getting some feedback.

That’s because only players from one faction are uploading stats.

Create character on realm, do /who for some middle levels, like /who 30 (add class or race names if command returns 50 results). Then do the same on other faction. That should give you better A/H ratio because you are checking both factions during same time using same metric.

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According to this there would be 1:2 ratio a:h on ten storms. Other queries have found 45/55 so what am i to believe?

Believe me, I have 999 posts!
There’s a natural faction balance. Only horde can be Shamans and only Alliance can be Paladins.

There’s a chance there’s more horde now, but I would say it’s just more horde tourists (which is basically people from retail only here for a short time, a vacation so to speak)

And that would make sense since Horde are dominant on retail.

Horde is always more dominant on pvp servers but this is alledgedly alliance being at 28 percent of the pop

thats exactly what censusplus does but its automated, but there is no proper organized place to put the data and for one person to do it on all realms for both factions at the same hour around primetime would take a long time.

I need some assistance plox.

Does anyone who uses the Classic Census Plus know how it works. I’m a complete nub at using this and it doesn’t feel like anything happens with the data I upload.

I am uploading the CensusPlusClassic.lua from _classic_/WTF/Account/{ACCOUNT_NAME}/SavedVariables folder’ but I can see on the app in game that the recorded number of players is around double of what is showing on the graph on the website.

The graph for Pyrewood Village is currently - https://wowpop.appspot.com/realms/pyrewood-village

But I have over 16k of Horde players showing on my in game Census addon.

Do we just keep uploading the same CensusPlusClassic.lua every time, or am I supposed to delete it in between? In contrast when I log for raids (in Retail), I have to keep removing the combat log or it becomes huge. Is it the same with the Census data?

I would like to help with the data but atm I’m not sure I’m doing anything other than populating my addon in game :laughing:

Do take into account that the Horde has less viable low lvl zones, meaning that they would be more crowded if it was 50/50 resulting in the alliance reaching a higher level more quickly.
I had been checking the max lvl progression on both sides for Hydraxian waterlords. By the time we had one lvl 60 on the alliance side, the highest horde character was around the lvl 48.

Once uploaded you can purge the file. The total characters in the screenshot should be the total on all your recorded data (the lua file can contain multiple servers on both factions). I will try to find your data file tomorrow and verify :slight_smile:

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My last horde scan on pyrewood had 8.7k

I always leave the addon to finish before uploading. I have an odd feeling some of the data is corrupted so I delete the lua file very time.

Thank you so much!!! I will purge next time I upload.

So there are no info on Alliance_Finkle (EU-FR) because no one has the add on on this server ?

Yo, Do you know how to report a problem? Dragonfang EU mistakenly added to the US on this site. Moreover, based on the official censusapp website http:// classicrealminfo. com/ is the official page. I don’t know which data to trust now:)

I added support for frFR locale just today - you will see the data in the next hours.

Dragonfang was moved to EU - This data is curated manually :slight_smile: Can you point me to the info you mentioned?

classicrealminfo appeared yesterday on my radar, taking a very similar approach to wowpop, even using very similar text and appearance. As mentioned on wowpop, it’s meant to serve you as long as there is no official page or a good service at all. I don’t see a good one yet and until that I will continue rolling out improvements day by day

I have been telling Gatekeeper when servers are in the wrong place (via the curseforge site). Hopefully that will be corrected soon.

He kindly moved a load of servers to the EU list after they were listed as US.

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