ChAAAArge into September’s Trading Post

Can someone ELI5 why it is a good thing to have a part-set consisting of head, shoulders and belt only?

Do these pieces work well with some existing set(s)?

Looks pretty awesome indeed.

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Worse than August isn’t an option :slight_smile:

A month in the Trading Post where Rogues get their time to shine? Heck yeah!

Think I go for the pet and the totems and maybe a pirate hat.

Don’t know August feels fine for me. In this i see nothing empressed for me. In previous was 2 crown, blood set, transmog toy. I even have not enough of coins for everything i want. But here… it’ts feels like nothing except crab.

The sets are incomplete, ran out of money midway.budget cut short? money stolen? whats the story here feels like a half completed job out of a corrupt 3rd world country


Seems intentional, there’s several more of those datamined for coming months.

This is the first month I want to buy plenty of things. I guess we have “oposite taste”…

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Is that only tomorrow?

I am not even home tomorrow! Moo.

Doubt it will be for one day. There will be time for you too.

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It’s not the end of Azeroth either way… I’m sure I’ll get my turn!

I realy hope it’s hints that the next expac is pirate themed, or at least heavily nautical !

60 days for this? i’m empressed! I didn’t expect anything, but I’m still disappointed.

I’m guessing Blizzard (again) added something that wasn’t intended for release just yet.

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maybe in next expansion or patch or whatever we will see reworked Tier 2 for all classes like we saw that in legion for Tier 6

Please for the love of god do NOT put on bits to armors/weapons if they are not animated. The paladin shield seals look like ply wood jutting out and not actually moving paper pieces

Is the first on the left one handed?

2-Handed > Shield > 1-Handed

Aww pity, I was hoping to use the cool hammer on prot.

Is that the only color btw?