ChAAAArge into September’s Trading Post

Not much for me this month … I walk around in a dark purple cloud wearing ninja type clothes and that’s all I need as transmog. I’ve iced the pet and look forward to a new mount but that’s it for me.

This time around, yes. I think there were other hues datamined (for the priest weapons too), but they’re not up for sale just yet.

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Yah boiiii got his new hat and pirate hat, best month

Two hander

Shield and onehander


Doubt thats the case but why stop at that? Id love to see TBC merciless sets HD also,just see how unique sets are in the past (much much bettercompared to current) guess designers were better with technology back then.
All pre Wrath needs remodel imo.

That’s what my purple goat is wearing with the new 2 hander

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I want to buy far more things than I’m going to have currency for and I already have a reserve from last month. I need more reserve spots or more currency and I’m not going to get either :grin:


Owww lol you are right, I take it back, blood troll set is the best thing so far for me. I just didnt notice anything interesting in the purchase area


they overpriced the class sets way too much, as well as couple other items… I got like 1800 tenders and still can’t buy what I want (and I mean the bare minimum of what I want)

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At least stuff comes back round again. I’m sure that swash bucklers set was in the earlier months.

I like that new staff.

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They didn’t show it in the article, right?

It’s there now (also saying it will be there in October), but yeah I don’t think it was there before. It seems to complement the new shop set (which will also be on the trading post in the future).

As for me, people might find it surprising but the items I like the most are the Vagabond/Wanderer sets. There are so few unicolor cloaks in the game, as well as hardly any in pastel colors (most are dark or washed off colors). The scarf headpieces are also cool. I think the only one I didn’t get so far is the dark colored one (black or dark blue, whatever that was).

I also like the cheap weapons, because they tend to be “this is a cleaver” or “this is a mining pick” instead of what most weapons ingame these days seem to be “this is a stick with lots of blades, ornaments, 3d details and glow effects that make it hard to understand what it even is”.


I got all of them. Agree.

I completely agree that it’s cool to have also not-so-flashy mogs. We lacked that for so long. At least trading post offers that.


Always love me some Chtu’llu stuff

Worst T.P month ever, well, time to save 1000.

See you next montherino

I bet they will simply put the rest of the mog in the shop in hopes people will buy due to sunken cost fallacy, because they already spend all their tender on their class set, and then might as well buy the rest of the set in the cash shop. I would not be surprised at all.

The treasure chest back deffo was.

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Aha so two already!!!

This month is cheaper then expected.
The Priest Set is only for Kul Tirans or other priests of N’Zoth.
The Blood Onyx Assassin Set is not clicking with me.
The paladin set looks really good and I can where it is referrencing at but as I play a Blood Knight it is not suitable for me.

Ironically the only class set from this month that I feel I need is the transmog set that is sold in a bundle with tenders who are just enough to buy the fitting staff for it from the Post.