Challengers peril mythic plus

Why not have challengers peril only applicable on your own time. So everyone has their own timer that if only they die is affected by challengers peril. I been trying to think how people could cheese this but thought it would stop a lot of bricked keys for people how ends up have that one person who keeps standing in stuff

You cant be serious?

2 casts go off, they happen to be on the same person and kill them. You could have kicked or stopped one preventing the death. Tho you didnt die you contributed towards that persons death but they get punished.

This is just the first thing that comes to mind, im sure 30 more seconds would throw up holes big enough to drive a garbage truck through.

I know a simpler solution; scrap the peril. Sure, death runs may become part of the game again, but yeah, so be it really.

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