Champion of Horde/Alliance tabard for farming

Hi, now that incursions are coming to an end and players start concentrating on the end game content, I thought it could be nice to have like a “gold farming tabard” for dungeons and even open world quests. I’m not a fan of dailies to be introduced as it turns the relaxed “play at your own time” into a chore.

The tabard would allow lvl 60 characters to get increased gold from killing subsequent bosses in a dungeon. This would keep dungeons relevant even after no loot drops from there for the character and would help with getting dungeon groups going even long into the later phases.

Why subsequent bosses? So that the time you spend in a dungeon is rewarded and just quick jump runs to end boss would not become the meta.

People were getting approx 100g / h from incursions, so if your group spends the 3h in full brd, killing all the bosses, you’d at least get a good compensation from Thrall/Magni etc. for being the Champion of the Horde/Alliance cause.
But more importantly this will turn playing the game (classic end game dungeons are just the best) a good way to get money for raiding!

Don’t know if anyone actually (especially at Blizzard) reads the EU forum posts, but would love some feedback/improvement ideas also!

As a disclaimer, I understand some people think adding gold farms like this will just inflate the economy, but I think that already happened and will be anyways done by players and bots alike. I’m just hoping to bring dungeons on par with the more tedious and bot friendly gold farms, supporting full clears in a 5 man group. With an added role play extra for being the Champion of the Horde/Alliance :smiley:

Out of interest what late game instances can you skip right to the end? I don’t think you can skip any substantial in any end game Instance

BRD Lava runs, DM:E jump runs, Tribute runs, but many skippable bosses in other dungeons also.
But basically if it would be just an end boss reward, players would end up finding the shortest path and just farm that in loops, like Maraudon princess for Wild Offerings.

Dme jump run skips literally 1 boss. Tribute run isnt really skipping anything imo. And bed lava run is still a fair amount of a dungeon.

I honestly feel like those 3 youve listed are a mile off making any song and dance about, but as usual that’s just my opinion