Champion of Orgrimmar bug (Argent Tournament)

As the title says, I’m experiencing a bug with the achievement “Champion of Orgrimmar”.
I completed completed today the last of the “The Valiant’s Charge” quests and should’ve gotten the Exalted Champion of the Horde achievement but didn’t.

I went to wowhead and checked the scripts for the Orgrimmar Valiant’s Charge quest and it returned false which explains why I was not awarded the achievement. However I have no quests available at the argent tournament anymore and the Champion of Orgrimmar achievement actually says completed for my character Rubmac, even if the Exalted Champion of Orgrimmar says it’s missing.

My character has been through some faction changes which might be the root of the issue but I’ve opened a ticket over a week ago and still haven’t gotten an answer.

I know it’s been a while since youy posted, but I was wondering if you were able to find some solution to this? I’m facing the exact same issue and after contacting support they advised to look at wowhead comments, so I’m pretty much on my own!

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