Champion of the legionfall

Hi all, i want to unlock my classmount but i cant seem to progress on the ‘breaching the tomb’ achievement.

I’m stuck at champions of legionfall.

When i enter my class order hall Odin (i’m a warrior) should call me and i should do some short quest chain to get a follower.

I have completed all achievements required for this.

Why doesnt it pop up annymore?

Is it because i am lvl 120?

Level 120s can do the achievement just fine. In fact, I finished it on my Warrior quite recently. I thought I had finished all classes long ago, but apparently forgot Warrior.

Since you’re obviously not posting on the relevant Warrior, I can’t check anything for you. Post on the character you’re having trouble with, or give us name and realm, so that we can look.

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I’m on EU Chamber of Aspects: Torkhin


Are you actually ON the quest ? I think you’re not, from what you said. I think you expect Odin to give it to you when you see him?

Do you have your Legion Artefact equipped?

What champions have you recruited so far?

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Don’t go searching through your class hall expecting someone to talk to to instantly complete this quest.

Champions of Legionfall can only be completed after you have completed the quest chain to recruit your new 7.2 follower.
The chain starts with a quest you get when returning to your class hall after accepting Champions of Legionfall.

Once you have your new follower, go back to Deliverance Point to turn in this quest.

Prerequisites (for current character):

See also

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It’s quite common to have started this quest and then just stop, later abandoning it somewhere down the chain. Have a look at the chain on Wowhead and either grab an addon or use this script to check what quests you’ve completed.

/script print(IsQuestFlaggedCompleted(QuestID)) where QuestID is taken from Wowhead url for each quest. It will tell you true or false if the quest is completed or not.

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