Change Dungeon Finder kick system

You’re always letting down someone. Point is that this system is the least of all evils

Idiots will always find a way to abuse anything, doesn’t mean the system is bad.


Yes, but at the moment you either have people abusing the system by AFKing, to new players getting upset because they got kicked from a group for being new and not understanding things.

It’s Blizzard job to find a happy medium.

The only changes needed are:

  1. The No button is first, and easy to click
  2. The Yes button requires you to type a random word that’s on screen to confirm you have read and understood what you’re doing

You can still kick if you need to, but the moment it’s a little bit harder to say yes than no, it’ll stop being abused :slight_smile:


Just have the yes on a countdown like when you are making a legendary.

I’d also suggest a penalty of -20% XP for each player kicked for duration of dungeon.

Can’t be, because now you’ve given an incentive to trolls. Hurt yourself to hurt them.

Though there probably is a case for just removing the kick mechanic from anything queueable.

  1. Normal and heroic dungeons? Not required. You can 4 man it, or queue again.
  2. LFR? Not required. If the tank decides to AFK, it’s already run-over even if you kick him. If anyone else is AFK, it doesn’t matter; wipe a bit, get the stacking buff, beat the encounter without them.

(Just ensure the AFK player receives no reward.)

Should do it like it was in Rift: If you sit afk at the entrance you don´t get any rewards, no xp, nothing. You have to stay in range of your group, actively participate in any objectives.

If someone DCs, the game could just autokick them after a min and refill the spot automatically.

Maybe limit kicks to one per dungeon.

Do like the idea of a tradeoff like less XP for the group.

Also don´t like that 2 randoms can votekick someone who went with guildies/friends.

Auto detection of AFK or disconnect would certainly help. After 2 minutes, that could be when the game allows you to kick vote - meaning if it’s your friend on discord and you know they’ll be back, you can say no.

But I really do think just remove players’ ability to vote kick from normal and heroic dungeons. It’s not required for that content at all, there’s no reason to train players to solve problems by vote kicking. This is the level of content that people should be working out their role and class mechanics, mistakes should be expected, not punished.

You cant make ever perfect dungeon Finder system because there is always some who try find way abuse it. Theres nothing wrong in current dungeon finder, its players who can fix it


This can work, however I think the fastest leveling should stay in the open world. That way you’ll have those who actually want to do dungeons in dungeons, and those who want to level up fast will be left to their own devices :3

but why? why not make them equal? i d like to level fast but i am sick and tired of quests, so leveling via dungeons is a really great alternative for me.


I know this is anecdotal evidence, but I’ve not seen a single votekick pop up, since early BFA. (Edit: Outside of people being kicked for being offline / afk)

I’ve leveled 5 characters from 50-60, and I’ve only leveled the first one without permaqueueing for dungeons.

We’ve had 3+ minute encounters on the boss in necrotic wake, where I’ve explained to literally everybody in the group but myself how to get the boss down.

We’ve had encounters in necrotic wake where the same person failed to hit the hook three times in a row (unlucky targeting I guess) and people didn’t kick them, but placed down worldmarks where exactly they needed to stand.

I remember the older version of votekicking and people who went on insulting sprees just kept on pulling mobs or didn’t roll on loot, to prevent being kicked.

The vote to kick system is far from perfect, but it works most of the times. And if a system, in World of Warcraft, works 99 out of 100 times, I’d consider it to be one of the most thoughtfully designed systems in the game.

Perhaps you should not dig out these once in a blue moon cases, but rather list all of the cases where there were warranted kicks or none at all and compare them to the times there were unwarranted kicks?

Because, from my own empirical point of view, there are very very very very few cases of the votekick system being abused, compared to the regular “no interaction with other players except buffing them at the beginning of the dungeon” LFD experience.

But perhaps I’m just the luckiest person in the world to not meet a single douchebag since years whenever I’ve used the dungeonfinder.

Or perhaps I’m simply so insanely attractive that people want to get on my good side?

Game should simply scan players account and weight if person is new or not .In case player is indeed new ,game should prevent kick.
Simple as that.


thats actually a great idea. bfa dungeons offer the fastest level skips yet they are the starting point for new players who dont know about any skips. means there are two huge interests/factors colliding already.

or they should make that its mandatory to kill all bosses in order to get the finishing exp.


I think dungeons should be viable, but not the best. The difference should be maybe 10% in viability. Just enough to keep those who just want to level up as fast as possible away from playing with others. I think the way the game should be designed is such that when people partake in group content, it is because they WANT to do it, not because it is the objectively most viable strategy to reach a goal. Those who tunnel vision into that goal should be left alone, and not really encouraged to play with others. The people who speed run leveling want to be level 60 RIGHT NOW. They do not want to be doing dungeons OR world content. Griefing like the OP’s begins with people who are pushed into doing content they don’t want to be doing, their gaming experience becomes miserable and they want to put that misery onto others… so let them be miserable on their own, that would be a quick fix.

I had 4 days off this week, played through 6 different characters around 30s and 40s in LFD BFA and didn’t got kicked a single time.

However I can be blamed for kicking someone while I probably shouldn’t.

We were on the Motherlord dungeon and we had a Warlock that got adds while the group was trying to slip pass a patrol on the road. Tank had already pulled, so we got 2 packs instead of one. Luckily I was on my Retribution paladin, so I managed to help the Priest keeping the tank alive.
With heals and bos + Bubble.

The Priest wasn’t too happy so he called idiot to the Warlock.
We moved to the second boss, I don’t know what exactly happened, but I guess he got more adds again than the kick window pops up: “Idiot”.
I just assumed it was justified and pressed; yes.

The Tank wasn’t happy and proceed to tell us that we should had been more understanding because he was probably new and proceeded to mock everyone each time we got adds.

Another group I was in, before we were in Freehold, a Hunter asked to do the 2nd boss, but the Tank refused (skip).
We wiped on the last boss and immediately a kick window pops up: DC.
I look and one of the players was DC. I press yes.
Another pops up to kick the Hunter, there was a exchange, of messages I didn’t realize what it was, but I decided yes.
2 more DPS join and we finished the dungeon.
After reading, the messages, it turns out the Hunter was holding the group, because he wanted to do the 2nd boss and refused to fight on the last boss, that’s why we wiped.

Point is: in my case I’m already stressed out trying to not mess up getting more adds and trying to kill everything as fast as I can, I don’t pay attention to what everyone is doing.

It’s hard to decide.
The question is: to kick or not to kick ?

I usually chose: not kick.
But in case the player in question stays it usually ends up in internal fight, bickering till the last boss.

Usually is justified, but sometimes it isn’t.

All I can say is, when I get kicked I usually know why it is: premade most of the times or because I screwed up.
I just move on.

The only thing I would change would be in the kick window the avatar of the player that is initiating the vote and the player that is being kicked should appear so I could get a better idea of what’s going on.



i never said that, i said make them equal, one shouldnt be better than the other, this way everyone can pick whatever suits them best.

if you make one better than the other, either parties will be pushed into things they dont want to do because they want to level fast.

if everything is equal and they still choose to play with others then thats on them then.

I’m talking in terms of exp per minute, I think if dungeons are equal that immediately makes them better simply due to the less effort required to run them compared to questing.

My main point is this - people should be pushed to play with people who share the same mentality as them. This is very well done at endgame, but in the leveling you have people who are rushing and people who want to take things slower in the same team. This will all be solved if those who want to speed run leveling are kept outside, doing world content. All it needs to happen for this is to have world content just slightly more rewarding than dungeons in terms of exp per minute. It makes sense to think this will reduce toxicity… when the game won’t force people with completely different views and goals in the game to play together.

depends on the area you are questing in i suppose since you can accept serveral quests at once and dont need to wait for invites etc.

i quested as dps and leveled through dungeons as heal and i found questing to be far superior to dungeons. dungeons arent really worth it anymore if you really want to level somewhat fast imo.


WoD leveling is insane! It’s so quick and also… SO GOOD. The only reason I don’t do it on all my alts is because I don’t want to burn out on it. Variety is good. But damn… WoD is aging like fine wine. It’s easily the best world content in the game for me.

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