Change Zapthrottle Soul Inhaler

I guess we had enough “fun” with this degenerate item, but its time you change the way it works. It’s disgusting and frustrating to try and farm a soul without a pet class or a dot class.

I don’t care if there is a way to cheese it, i dont care if you can use a Bottled Putrescence and hope you dont get knockback or stun by the mob.

Spending 45 mins trying to get a single F’’ earth soul this afternoon means the design of this item is beyond terrible and honestly i dont understand how it got the ok to be in live version. Ok someone came up with an “idea”, but that doesn’t mean it should be part of the game.////

Which class doesn’t have a dot or pet?

I mean just invite someone near by? I crafted a frostfire item for a guy and helped him trap the mob for example

Okay, I think we all know that it isn’t all that hard to do and every class can pull it off, but I want you all to also understand that, that shouldn’t justify a poor design. I completely agree with Elycie here. I suggest Blizzard change the Zapthrottle Soul Inhaler, to be able to be channeled while also casting abilities, removing the necessity of DOTs and other outer damage sources.

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