Changes :D 26th Nov

  • Mage
    • Developers’ notes: Frostfire is still underperforming for both Frost and Fire. We’re targeting buffs to Frostfire’s various procs and providing a more substantial throughput buff via Fire Mastery’s Haste value.

    • Fire

      • Developers’ notes: Fire has been underperforming in single target and could use some help. Rather than distribute this bonus through a myriad of spells, we’re opting to put most of our budget into Pyroblast to ensure this spell is keeping pace with the rest of Fire’s kit.

      • Frostfire: Fire Mastery now grants 2% Haste (was 1%).

      • Frostfire: Isothermic Core Comet Storm effectiveness increased to 200% (was 150%).

      • Frostfire: Frostfire Burst damage increased by 25%.

      • Frostfire: Frostfire Infusion damage increased by 50%.

      • Frostfire: Excess Frost cooldown reduction increased to 10 seconds (was 5 seconds).

      • Ashen Feather Phoenix Flames damage bonus increased to 50% (was 25%).

      • Pyroblast damage increased by 8%.

      • Meteor direct damage increased by 25%.

    • Frost

      • Frostfire: Fire Mastery now grants 2% Haste (was 1%). Does not apply to PvP combat.

      • Frostfire: Isothermic Core Meteor effectiveness increased to 150% (was 100%). Does not apply to PvP combat.

      • Frostfire: Frostfire Burst damage increased by 25%. Does not apply to PvP combat.

      • Frostfire: Frostfire Infusion damage increased by 50%. Does not apply to PvP combat.

      • Frostfire: Excess Frost cooldown reduction increased to 10 seconds (was 5 seconds). Does not apply to PvP combat.

It’s a start.

And 0 arcane buff SURELY

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Start of what ? a commedy show? actually fire mage with no procs buffs … do 214k-508k pyro hits i cant imagine those 8%

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Where is the arcane buff? where? give us sunfury back damnit

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We’re a cheery bunch. Thanks for the buffs blizz.

There are Arcane changes to PvP, nerfs to it’s burst but buffs to consistent damage. Which is odd, because by buffing the sustain, you inadvertently buff the burst too.


  • Arcane
    • Developers’ notes: We’re shifting Arcane’s damage profile a bit away from burst damage and into their consistent damage and increasing the effectiveness of Sunfury to increase hero talent diversity.

    • Sunfury: Spellfire Spheres grant 2% increased spell damage in PvP combat (was 1%).

    • Sunfury: Lingering Embers grant 2% increased spell damage in PvP combat (was 1%).

    • Sunfury: All Arcane Phoenix damage increased by 20% in PvP combat (Greater Pyroblast and Arcane Surge are not increased).

    • Arcanosphere damage increased by 40%.

    • Arcane Surge now increases damage by 20% in PvP combat (was 25%).

    • Arcane Missiles damage increased by 10% in PvP combat.

    • Arcane Blast damage increased by 10% in PvP combat.

    • Arcane Barrage damage increased by 15% in PvP combat.

    • Arcane Bombardment now increases Arcane Barrage’s damage by 20% (was 40%) in PvP combat.

Fire’s talent tree is basically built around if you buff one thing low down the chain, everything else hits harder. An 8% bigger Pyroblasts means bigger crits, bigger Ignites, bigger burst, bigger Pyromaniac Pyros.

Then there’s the Frostfire buffs which might make it viable, if not meta, for both Frost and Fire.

Arcane never was a pvp spec, so noone cares they buff it
Blizzard literally reverted shamans and frost DK nerfs, and forgot about arcane…

They need at least revert 10% Arcane blast and barrage nerf, we cannot even be best in ST damage(historically the only thing we were strong it), cause arcane RNG aoe is ridiculous…

They already Buffed fire and frost(which is way better than arcane in all circumstances)

They dont need to buff very much, just revert this graveyard nerfs

For casual BG play - epics and randoms. Arcane is great fun.

These are welcome buffs, the arcane bombardment change from 40-20% only effects execute damage. Slightly. And the 5% loss to burst from Surge isn’t too bad.

The buffs to everything else are nice. 40% increase to Arcanosphere probably isn’t enough to make it a viable dps ability. It’ll still only hit for 900k / 1m or so. For a 4s cast unaffected by haste this is not what needs changed. Allow haste to reduce it. Or allow PoM to provide a cast time reduction OR protection during casting.

Arcane isn’t a PvP spec - for pvp i use frost or fire. who cares about Arcane PvP buffs? they need to completely change the way it behaves if they want it to be valid for PvP.

I believe that the average mage spends 70% of his time in PvE and 30% in PvP.
While ofcourse this varies greatly between individuals.
Specifically me - i play 90% %pve and 10% pvp.
I came back to playing mage after several expansions (im playing since TBC) - because FINALLY there was a NEW -VALID- spec for PvE to play - arcane was so refreshing (and rewarding) - now its just Meh. in mythic raids we can forget about parsing lol - we are top 6 at best. blizzard needs to acknowledge that the arcane rotation in sunfury is complicated enough so that if a mage nails it - his DPS should be rewarded. especially while dodging mechanics.

Arcane mage was promising in the PTR and early TWW - i spent around 80-90 hours of gametime to gear that mage up to almost full BiS before the nerf happend - now even undergeared players can out-dps me. its frustrating. feels like i wasted all this time for nothing - and i cant reroll back to my DH cuz he is too far behind. i can’t spend all this time to start over -if there wont be a significant change i will likely just take a break until the next expansion.

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For casual PvP. Arcane is great fun.

Underrated. But until they fix the requirement to cast both blast and missles without protection from kicks. Yeah I understand. Damage wise it’s “okay”.

I wouldn’t say you are so far behind you have to leave the expat :joy:… next season gear pretty much resets anyway. Just start then?

Hope you enjoy the game either way.

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