Hello, I would like to post some feedback on changes I would like to see for Frost DK.
(I probably have some typos or suggesting something that might not work, but overall you get the idea. Tuning and what not needs to be done ofc.)
Rework pillar of frost.
Take out the strength increase buff and make it a flat number like 20% on a longer duration. Atleast 15-20 seconds.
Having a 12 second window that also gets stronger is not fun. Mess it up, do tank damage. Adds dies to quick, tank damage.
How are you even gonna track the last seconds of pillar for a big FWF without addons? Bad design.
Just bring it back to what it used to be and buff our damage outside of pillar instead.
Also make it so when you pick oblitiration, you either get a stronger buff, like 30% strength, or make it a longer duration. This is to make this our big CD, like breath is for breath.
Change what proccs a KM. It proccing of auto-attacks isnt good design. Also this icy-talons needs to go away.
Make it procc from frost fever ticks or whatever. Something that is the same for 2H and DW. Then make talents that makes frost fever tick faster if you most.
Also would be nice to not having to be on target all the time and still get proccs.
Remove death and decay. Nuff said.
Make it so we can have 2 rune forges on a 2H or only one on DW.
Bring 2H and DW to the same damage output and everything so you can choose freely. (I dont know how that works exactly, but how hard can it be).
Remove the extra frost damage for a KM oblitirate. Either make it always do a part of frost damage or just remove it and make it scale somehow.
I want my oblitirates to feel as powefull without a KM procc, as with one.
So when you get unlucky and not getting proccs, you still do good damage.
Bring back presences.
Basically just make it have a more consistent damage profile and bring out some of the insane burst damage from pillar windows.
Try to do more work on making DW and 2H play the same.
The biggest problems are DnD cleave and pillar ramp damage profile. Fix this and bring frost back to what it used to be.
Those new changes aren’t that good IMO, ppl are just happy because we have been ignored sence for ever.