Changing a few classes/specs with 1 line

Warrior: Execute now has an 8 second CD.
DH: Damage reduced by 20% overall.
Survival: Ranged abilities reduced to 20 yards.
MM: Double Tap buff only lasts 4 seconds.
BM: Damage taken increased by 30% if your pet dies.
WW: Revert the entire spec back to how it was in MoP.
Rogue: Remove the stealth shield conduit.
Mage: Add extreme spell cast knock back on polymorph.

Aaaand I’m falling asleep… thanks forums nn.

Let’s continue…

Shaman: Earth ele legendary only lasts 40 seconds.
Resto Druid: Can’t drink in stealth.

What else?


what, i don’t understand this one

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I think he means the set-back in cast-progression that occurs when you take damage while casting

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MoP WW is by far the most overpowered iteration of the spec. WindWobblers launching across the map healing to full without casting (healing orbs), fist of fury non-DR stun, karma that will kill you. This list isn’t exhaustive but bloody hell no one wants this :-1:


Nah he definitely means if you’re casting polymorph and get hit you get launched across the map :+1:

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he meant spell pusback.

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fist was always on DR even in mop

easy dispellable if you ever went through it for some reason 99% of the time just because you touch of death into it.

also ontop of it MoP ww class design was at its PEAK by far

literally uncomparable to the class design we have nowadays and for sure most people would want this kind of playstyle back

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Burst was spin to win back in MoP with tigereseye brew and rushing jade win. Leg sweep into, RSK, BOK, fist of fury for full stun duration. Leg sweep and ring of peace on the same tier but ring worked different both silence and disarm 4 seconds and then again if you attacked during. Might be the best class design for WW, doesn’t mean it was balanced and well designed for everyone else :+1:

while rjw did alot of damage, you had bigger priorities like chi wave / RSK, especiall RSK since that was your main damage ability if you want so. RJW was for sure not the main concern

it was very balanced in a sense that other classes had enough tools to deal with it.

Sure WW was OP but so were many if not most of the other classes, dunno the point maybe a l2p issue but if everything is broken it’s already balanced again.

Fist of fury didn’t dr with itself but with other stuns

Aye mate re read the text. Still maintain MoP was good for PvP and class design in general, but sounded like you were proposing bringing MoP WW to retail with other classes as they are - to that comparison I would say nah, no one needs that in their life. As for FoF not DR’ing with itself it stuns on each tick so effectively wouldn’t matter if it was 1sec duration after DR’s, it would work as intended and you would get full cc for leg sweep, do you kicks, then fist of fury for full stun and full damage :+1:

It’s… It’s beautiful :heart_eyes: :heart_eyes:

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