Changing Armor Set with an /cast macro

So, without trying to spoil Shadowlands Class changes, i’ll explain my situation.

I will need to equip a (1h and a) Shield for a certain Ability, but always having to keep my bags open to switch to and fro is a hassle i do not want to put in myself.

So i made two Equipment sets. “Shield” and “2h” respectively.

Now, the ability i need a shield for is currently assigned to a Shift-Macros. ([nomod], [mod:shift] etc.), and i’d preferably put the “Shield” Equipment set on the mod:shift-section of the Macro.

I wouldn’t know how, though.


Addition to make it a bit more understandable.

The current shift-macro is the following.


/cast [nomod] Ability X
/cast [mod:shift] Ability Y

  • And i want the /equipset Shield to be exclusively if i use Ability Y

/cast [nomod] <Ability1>
/equipset [mod:shift] <Setname>
/cast [mod:shift] <Ability2>
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This -works-, but it triggers a “Must have a Shield equipped”, a GCD and then i’d have to press the button again to use the ability.

I have a bind for my Crusader strike to re-equip my 2h Weapon and immediately attack.

Is there no other way for this to work using a shift macro?

Changing weapons (or shields for that matter) during combat will always trigger a global cooldown. There’s no way around it.

I believe this was added to keep people from having to constantly having to change weapons mid combat to be optimal.


Are you sure about this? If you are in combat this should trigger a gcd aswell. Maybe you used the keybind while out of combat? So you equipped the set while still out of combat and then used crusader strike as the first ability?

Its a

/cast Crusader Strike
/equipset 2h

And i neither get a error message telling me that i do not have such equipped, nor a GCD.

I equip a sword and do a crusader strike.

I can also just press the Shield Keybind once during a GCD, then use the ability when the GCD is down. Back to 2h Weapon with no such interruption

But that would cast Crusader Strike with the 1-handed weapon and switch to a 2-hander afterwards wouldn’t it? Crusader Strike isn’t limited to 2-handed weapons that’s why it works in that case, but not with the shield.

Yes, you can use equipsets while waiting for the global cooldown, but if you’re in combat they reset the gcd . Let’s say there were 0.2 secs left on the gcd and you pressed your equipset, then the gcd ticks down from 0.5 secs again.

The problem is that you have to wait until you have the shield equipped to use the ability you want to use. So there’s no way around the gcd.

I see.

Ah, well. I guess that’ll have to do then, huh? That’s a minor DPS loss for a few moments in turn for survivability if and only if i really need it. So that’s only half as bad.


isn’t it possible to double-click it? if no items are changed wouldn’t the cast go through?.. :d

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