Changing Mythic+ For the Better

I have had an idea for while and a New member to my Community convinced me to post the idea on here and see what people think especially Blizzard.

Mythic+ has been bad for a long time the timers suck no other way to state it but the Delves are a stroke of genius and what if we can use some of that genius to make a better Mythic+ system where it isn’t time based or not based around the trash packs but the Bosses as it should be.

So the Idea.

Get rid of the timer add in lives like you have in Delves maybe it starts at say 4 or 5 lives per player on the lower keys but the keys get higher and harder the group gets less lives 3 then maybe 2 at the lowest if they run out of lives the key depletes as it would if you didn’t time it. When you have run out of lives any one who dies cannot be revived at all so hope you are on the last Boss and are about to kill it then you can all still get loot and upgrade the key.

Trash are exactly that and should be left as such they don’t need any buffs at all the difficulty is going to go where it belongs to the BOSSES.

Every key the higher it is the more health and damage the Bosses have no change there but for every 5 Key levels the Bosses all gain 1 additional mechanic up to say 4 or 5 extra abilities so like a Mini Raid Boss which would also be good practice for any one who want’s to Raid.

Bosses could also have 2 or 3 phases where they have an intermission and use different mechanics which could be doubly awesome.


They always keep the base mechanics Blizzard design them with but lets say every season Blizzard has a pool of 12 to 16 extra abilities that the Bosses rotating each week or month can get extra abilities from this pool at random which could create some very nasty and challenging overlaps to really test a players skill.

Extra Pool Mechanics

Lines dodge them or take massive damage or higher keys insta death.

Swirlies step out of them or die.

The Boss stands still and casts an AOE explosion all melee have to run away or die.

Void Sludge - Group up and soak the sludge or every one dies.

Hot Potato - stay away from each other as the timer expires or you blow up with any one too close.

Rotating Laser Beams - stay out of them as they move around or insta death.

These are just some mechanics the Bosses could gain can easily think of more so can Blizzard so from this pool every 5 key levels the Bosses all gain 1 extra Mechanic no longer about rushing to time it it’s about doing the mechanics right and well or risk running out of lives.

Boss 1 = 3 Mechanics is in a +5 he now has 4 Mechanics 1 drawn from the Pool above which will be a much bigger pool.

Boss 2 = 4 Mechanics is in a +15 he now has 7 Mechanics 3 drawn from the pool above.

Last Boss = 5 Mechanics is on a +20 he now has 9 Mechanics 4 drawn from the pool above.

You won’t really need to worry about trash as you shouldn’t that is why they are called trash. You have no time limit to complete your Dungeons but you only have so many lives and with the Bosses having many more dangerous mechanics some that may over lap in truly dangerous ways seeing how players maximise their full skill to deal with Bosses having this many mechanics will be truly awesome not just to watch but to play.

Why post this on a throwaway account?

M+ hasn’t been bad nor great for a long time. It really depends on how you look at it and who you ask. The last time i saw people say m+ was good was when it was introduced and others say its best was in Shadowlands.

And i see people complain that the timer is a bad thing when its there to pressure you to push harder and do better each time. It’s been there since it’s inception and i’m sure it’s going to stay for the foreseeable future. The only thing they can do better is loosen up the timers when some dungeons have an extremely tight timer and others have a very generous one.

Giving people lives is a really, really bad idea. Leave that to the more “casual” modes like Delves. People finish keys even when not timing it. This will just make it so the key can never be completed.

And no, giving bosses more mechanics will overwhelm people more than it should. Also doing mechanics that outright kills the player is a terrible idea. Especially combined with more mechanics. There would come a point where something overlaps and you die from something you didn’t have control over. You shouldn’t be outright killed. No one likes that. You should be punished for it. Like in FF14, the more mechanics hit you, the more stacks of a damage taken debuff will be to then just killing you for not being reckless.

All this might look good on paper but will be terrible in execution. What makes M+ and its timer with bosses not changing their mechanics is how you execute the encounter. It feels really damn good to know how an encounter works.

BUT, this COULD work if it wasn’t in a dungeon but it’s own thing like FF14s Trials. Trials are basically only a boss and nothing more. So doing this while 100% focusing on the boss could be another mode in of itself.

M+ is fine as it is. The problem is how Blizzard decides to balance it but that is with every single season and gets better with time.

This isn’t on a throw away account it’s on Vanilla Classic Characters I don’t know why it chose that over my Retail Chars.

Your opinion is more mechanics is a bad idea but not every one shares your opinion I heard many high key pushers complain about the timers so a lot of people don’t like them.

As for them killing you out right maybe they just do damage instead that is up to Blizzard not me and the point is to make it challenging that is what all the Mythic+ players want and brag about well here is a way to do that without a timer and the idea just being pull faster and the Bosses fall over like joke’s which is quite frankly embarrassing, this will make the Bosses matter as they should not the damn trash packs and it won’t be impossible they just have to play the mechanics right.

You also said lives is a bad idea leave it for the “casual players” but then complained more mechanics will make Bosses impossible you are contradicting yourself is it too hard or for casual players it can’t be both.

And Mythic+ is anything but fine a lot of people hate it and it has created a really toxic environment that didn’t exist in WOW before they were released this is a way of at least reducing that effect there not being as much focus on Meta Classes and Spec’s and more about player skill and ability to do mechanics correctly.

You have 0 achievements. I doubt you have 0 if you actually play the game.

It’s both my own opinion and the same as a ton of others. People have complained about Blizzard making encounters mechanics heavy instead of mechanics being fun to deal with. Giving them more will not make them more fun. And never listen to the high pusher. You are supposed to hit a wall in M+. Be it a +6 or +17. Those that push it that high and hit that wall will complain about anything they can. They aren’t the only ones playing either. You still have the low and middle. People also regurgitate the same thing the higher pushers say without themselves being a high pusher, making it look like more people having problems when it’s not.

You said “do X or die”? Why backpeddle and say that it’s Blizzards decision when everything Blizz does is their decision when it’s your idea?
M+ is already challenging. The higher up in key level you go, the more difficult it becomes. You will no longer be able to survive that one frontal, manage a dot with defensives or suffer the consciences. You can stroll through +4s/14s without any real issues unless you’re completely new to the mode.

I didn’t say more mechanics makes bosses impossible. I said giving each player lives will make the dungeon impossible but i admit that i read it wrong like if you deplete your lifes, you can’t finish the dungeon. But even if you deplete your lifes and the key essentially becomes a depleted key, that doesn’t make it any better. In fact, it becomes way more strict than just reduced time each death. Someone can deplete all their lifes, by mistakes of their own and not, and not be a part of the run anymore until everyone else has depleted theirs, correct? I hope you see where i’m going with this.

People hated M+ in Legion, BfA, Shadowlands and Dragonflight. Every season in every xpac was the worst. And yet the statistics doesn’t lie. If it was so hated, no one would be playing and yet, they are. It is fine. The ones complaining are DPS that can’t get into a key within 10 min of signing up while forgetting people don’t just want high ilvl and rio score.
The toxicity of WoW has always been there. Raiding has its toxicity, PvP has its own and M+ has it’s own. You can’t make something non-toxic when the players already are from the start. People will always focus on Meta specs. It doesn’t matter how you go about it. If one spec performs just slighty better, it will be picked more often. Every spec is viable up to higher keys. But if you want to push even higher, then you need the best. And people look at the best and follow them even in lower keys.

You are getting really hung up on this account thing aren’t you focus on the idea not the account I have been playing 14 years I stopped playing after Nathria and just came back as my Community bought me the new Expac and a years game time.

Do X or die dude I did state clearly it is an IDEA and they can change it’s just an idea not what it should be they would implement it not me I don’t work for Blizzard.

Well they can decide how many lives are given to each player I was just throwing out numbers and a way to get rid of the timers turning dungeons into crappy time trials.

I have people all day saying they get rejected for keys despite being Key Stone Masters because their spec or classes isn’t wanted some times even for lower keys that isn’t a good game design if you spend 3 hours waiting to get into a key.

I can’t edit my post for some reason and no every one else does not have to deplete their lives it would be a pool but lets for arguments sake say 5 lives per player so you have a pool of 25 lives if some one dies a 26th time they can’t be revived.

In some way’s it is more punishing in others it isn’t people won’t be rushing to beat the timer and make stupid mistakes any more and they know the real challenge is going to be the Bosses as they should be any way.

I also added a retail char on for you since you like accounts so much.

Why wouldn’t i? Showing your character proves you play the game in some way. People don’t take someone who uses level 10s seriously.

Yes, an idea then completely push it onto Blizzard even though you came up with it.

Just learn to play around the timer. If you can’t play at higher levels, that isn’t a Blizzard problem, that is a you problem. Giving lives will do nothing but do the same issue that the timer already has.

And i’ve had people waiting 30 min to get into keys as an “unwanted” spec on a +7. This discussion has always been the same. There are different reasons people don’t get invited. Figure those out and it will make way more sense. Think about why tanks and healers have it easier getting into keys.

A pool of 25 lives per player doesn’t mean they can use each others lives. You die 5 times, you are out. 25 lives total in a run can give the exact same pressure as a timer.

The timer is forgiving in lower keys and get tighter the higher up you go. If lives works the same way, it’s no different than there being a timer.

Main or alt? Talking about something you don’t actually know the “issues” of will not look good and will not be taken seriously.

It’s one of my alt’s doesn’t make a difference your putting value on something to you not to the idea and denying relevance based on account rather than Mythic+ having issues.

And the 5 lives per player can all be pooled together as the dungeon starts Blizzard would decide that not you or me.

I don’t focus Mythic+ keys but I have many friends and some Guildies who do but I have done them because without doing any I wouldn’t know what I was talking about but this is just an idea to change things up.

Some people like you may hate it but others I have spoken to like it nothing will ever be 100% accepted but making Dungeons the only PVE content that has a timer has no synergy with the other PVE content and when I play a game like WOW I don’t like the feeling of being rushed with exception of a Boss enrage timer.

Time trials are for racing games not WOW Dungeons.

It does. You wouldn’t go to someone’s job or hobby and tell them how to do something differently and saying it will improve it just because someone told you about it while you have no long experience with it?

“I don’t focus Mythic+ keys” and still you want to suggest how to do it better when you don’t really know of it? Basing your opinion on your guildmates and friends isn’t a valid opinion.

Just because your idea is met with praise within your guild/friend group doesn’t mean its a good idea for the rest of the playerbase. I assume that most of the people you talk to are high pushers and like i said, those will always complain about it. Those aren’t the only people and not the ones who should be listened to.

Then don’t do M+. It’s really that simple. Just because you don’t like an aspect of it doesn’t warrant a complete change to suit you and/or your buddys. Adapt to it or leave it alone. Do the harder keys, have the pressure and learn how to deal with it and be rewarded for it. Best raiding gear is Mythic which is all about bosses and mechanics. M+ is about the entire dungeon. Not just the bosses. That’s why Fortified and Tyrannical exists.

M+ isn’t a time trial. Dragon racing is though.

BUT as i have said earlier, your idea could work if it’s something like Trials in FF14.

Well the post is for the idea and if maybe some one from Blizzard see’s it they could even change it and make it better with things I haven’t even thought of.

The primary reason I don’t do keys I hate that Timer if it was gone I would happily do Dungeons but I can’t stand timers so this is a way to improve Mythic+ for people who hate the timer like me and there are many who do.

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