Channel demonfire - make it work with chaos incarnate

I simply can’t wrap my thoughts about how bad this set it( for destruction warlocks) the fact that best way to utilize it, is to stop channelling CDF as soon as you gain 8 stacks, thus making you to look at WA - I mean thats what I figured out and what I am intending to do… it’s just very sad.
Since it is what it is and nothing will be changed, I’d like to point out that our capstone, that is always used, has this interaction with most of ours spells, ie:
Chaos bolt
Rain of Fire
I see the pattern here and it is based on which spells are consuming shards. But with the forced play-style of CDF, it would encourage to not stop the cast and finish it, and it would just, in my opinion, make the set “whole” and make the BEST OF IT. Even tho, we don’t like it.

While I only have 2 Tier pieces, I’ve come to the conclusion that CDF adds nothing except the hassle of not pressing Chaos Bolt, and thus not spending shards towards Blasphemy.

While 4 set might change the damage profile, I’m currently not very optimistic, as extensive dummy testing puts CDF/Not CDF at a net +/- 0 for dps in turret mode (not moving).

I would have been wildly excited if CDF generated 2 shards, or if it generated 1 shard and allowed running.
Currently it just interrupts the flow for a 2.3 second (with fairly nice secondary stats) wet noodle slap that contributes nothing toward the core mechanics which everything else backs up.

Will try it once more when I hit 4 piece, as it could change things?

My standpoint will likely stay on the hill that either the set bonuses need to change or CDF needs a re-work yesterday though.

This happens quite alot anyway due to affixes or other things you need to dodge. Sure you can cancel CDF a second or so earlier to make use of another GC, but then again it also increases your immolation duration if you dont cancel it.

4 set seems very good for M+ or AOE situations in general. Not having to refresh immolation in a pack and buffing rain of fire and Blasphemy at the same time seems very good imo.

I think the problem here is that pressing CDF equals not pressing RoF twice (roughly) which is a pretty massive damage difference. Also finding a situation where you can press CDF and not overcap hard is also difficult.

I am normally able to find room for CDF. You are assuming you are overcapping soul shards here. That is certainly not the case if you are playing it right. If you run into a pack with 5 shards then you can always RoF first, then immolate, ROF again if need be and then CDF.

i never liked channel demonfire because it deal no damage compared to a chaos bolt or incerate you would deal.
I mean just looking at the actual scaling of it you see it awful, it deals roughly 43k damage (10k main stat)
while a chaosbolt can deal 220k if you have all of the buff stacked, and incerates deal 55k noncrit.
You cant move while channeling and it deal less damage every single spell in your kit.
Hell you prob deal more damage with a single ROF cast!
If you asked me i rather have the old tier compared to this one, its already annoying af to have the need to move with madness upkeep.

Well sure, but the problem with packs is that you want to Immolate a whole bunch of them and then start RoF:ing. It also deals significantly more damage than CDF and pressing it mid shard generation is problematic.

So I finally got 4-tier.
Trying out CDF vs Not-CDF on a singly dummy over about 5 minutes of spamming put the CDF build between 1-2k ahead of Not-CDF. It absolutely did not feel significant and depending on the fight (movement to avoid certain swirly death) the Not-CDF builds could perform just as well due to holding off or having to break CDF even halfway through halfway, making it stack to maybe only 4 and slapping like a wet paper bag across the armor of any mob or boss.

I feel pretty confident that allowing movement during CDF is a bare minimum to make the spell useful.
If it could generate a few fragments as well I could even forgive lobbing all those wet noodles across the room. If not then by the Old Gods, up the damage.

However, after watching Demonology go to the veritable butchering block, I’m quite weary of what Blizzard might hack at for Destruction. Here’s to hoping there are sensible minds who can boil down the feedback into something that doesn’t resemble a slaughter-house.

Channel demonfire should at the very least be castable while moving.

But even if it was, there are still problems with this ability, basically, it needs to generate soul shard fragments.

CDF is a spell you need, not a spell you love casting. It is fine in ST as it should be, a mini game in your ‘old school’ incinerate-chaos bolt weaving’. It’s gimmicky to play with it in AOE scenarios, but whatever, really. Whitelist it to benefit from out capstone and you’ll have our eternal gratitude devs

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