Discord server has just been created for Chaos Bolt EU realm.
If anyone is interested, feel free to join.
Discord server has just been created for Chaos Bolt EU realm.
If anyone is interested, feel free to join.
Nice, its a good way to tighten the community
We have over 800 members already and growing.
Hello, tried making a horde char but it wont let me stating its due to imbalanace in factions which is weird since ally are more on the server, whats up?
Hello, can someone send a working link?
The server is dead, not sure if there even is a server disc atm.
And when i say dead, i dont mean that in a exaggeration way. Yesterday at peak hour there were 6 players online (horde side), not 600 or 60, but 6… from lvl 1-60.
I dont think its long before blizz forces the “left-overs” to migrate to another server so they can shut it down.
Ill admit, leveling on that server has been AMAZING(!) though. Not a single worry about getting touched by alliance, all farming spots are open, i even get to kill rares i never knew existed:P