Chaos Bolt EU is dead - Need transfer server

Hi there,

I hope we can be a lot to add our wish to be transfered.
Chaos Bolt EU on SoD is like a desert (4 or 5 times less peoples than the 2 others EU PvP Serv)
So please Blizzard, don’t let us die there, accept transfer interserver so we can play with other people and not just alone in the dark <3


You stretched the meaning of the word dead right there so hard it is about to snap out of existence. This herd mentality nowadays…


What is the horde ally ratio now? It feels really low with alliance players

Man, before down me, did you even check ? 4900 raid player last week, 24k on Living Flame and 22k on Lone Wolf. When i’m connected in the day, we are 10 max to speak on /4 to find group and do stuff.

Seems like Blizzard disagree with you there, Retri Paladin.

CB alliance closed because of overpopulation

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Ok, good to know mr phase 2 enh shaman


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Well i dont play retri, go figure

2400 Ally / 2500 H2 (numbers are from people active and raiding at least 1 time in one week)

Im sure the low amount of alliance logging is due to most of them still being kept under controll inside Ashenvale Incursion

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On Living flame with same conditions :

11300 Ally / 12200 H2

On Lone wolf with same conditions :

10600 Ally / 11400 H2

So the 2 others PvP server are 5 times Chaos Bolt but yeah, it’s not dead lol. Just Blizzard open eyes, come in the day and play, even now, 4 or 5 messages on /4
If you dont connect at 9pm with your guild to go in raid one night per week, you can’t barely do nothing all day long… it’s too much

Free transfeer soon thx

That’s why i did this post, to have it yes please

Yes please ! It’s week end but not even better, every day we die more a little bit, don’t let us die Blizzard please, i wanna continue to play this game, not stop and uninstall it because nobody is connected


Auction house is DEAD, no parties, just casual people. No way to do ANYTHING.

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Yeah, that’s so sad, i choose this server because at the launch of classic in November, every others servers were locked.
Now we are stuck on a dead server :

  • nobody is asking for anything on /world /trade
  • STV is dead, few groups
  • ah is dead
  • we can’t find any dungeons or farm reputation
  • always only one layer
    WE CAN’T DO ANYTHING, we are trapped and i’m starting to feel desinterested in the game

please do something, i want to transfer my characters


Thank you Carstein and Pirwet for your feedback. I hope it will help all of us to be saved. All you said it’s totally true. AH is dead with horrible prices. channel are dead, wait hours to just find 2 people to help for one quest.

I came here for the exact same reason, all others was locked. But damn now… we must be saved, it’s a nightmare to play here, just boring and usefull

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bump for attention

What’s the point of playing on a pvp server when there is no one to kill : (

Yes indeed lol. You can’t play with people from your faction cause nobody is online, and you can’t kill people from other faction cause nobody is online too ! Blizz, just add the button for the transfer <3

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