Chaos Bolt EU is dead - Need transfer server

Yep merging would be the best option. CB has always been a medium populated server. Why wouldn’t you merge it, what would be the downfall for that?

You cant buy a transfer in SOD, so you are bound to your server unless Blizzard gives you the option to transfer for free or merge a server.

CB is dead after they allowed free transfers to WG. So something needs to happen now

we cant be forced to migrate to PVE serv …
Open migration to PVP servers please !

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Many people have already transferred to WG, so many friends and guildies are split between CB and WG. So if they force merge people with another PVP realm, they will still be apart.

This is ridiculous honestly so basically start over… Or stay on Dead Server?

Hopefully they will fix it :slight_smile:

Merge with Lonewolf already.

The server is DEAD i cannot find any group.
Also go look in starter areas, only hunter boots is being made - no new players!

I would pay 30 euro to escape this graveyard server


I am just here to push this topic. 2pm alliance side - you dont even find ppl for 5er dungeon :smiley:


@fwoibles @kaivax @linxy Help please :cry:

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Just saw some dude posting this:
“ChaosBoltEU is so dead, i saw Elvis fighting Mohammed Ali in Ironforge in front of Queen Elizabeth”

Its spot on


Merge Chaos Bolt with another pvp server or give everyone free transfer to an actual pop server because this is getting boring


please save us, we’re stuck in a dead serv…


Time to take action going into the weekend. The SOD experience has been great, and part of that is the social aspect of meeting random players, do stuff with them and get groups to do it. What happens now is that CB is left in the gutter and the remaining playerbase will lose interest rather quickly if you do not resolve it. Guilds and friendgroups being broken up by these two hour windows of transfers in the middle of the night just isn’t good enough. We understand your worry of opening up for transfers but you need to resolve these issues as well and be transparent with your EU and US community alike.


Come on, 1.8k view, nearly 100 messages.

Isn’t it enough ?

Not every player are posting or watching the forum.

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These types of posts don’t help; if you want to help, propagate this thread within your guilds and friendslist - ask them to contribute here and share their thoughts. Constantly bumping this will not trigger a response from Blizzard, quite the contrary.

As a guild master on the server I have been spamming constantly for the last three days trying to recruit a DPS, and have been unable to find anyone even remotely interested. The server was kinda difficult for recruitment and grouping before the transfers and now with at least 25% of the guilds transferring it’s frustrating to be trapped here. Especially after blizzard asked people to take their groups to go to these newly created servers when SoD released.

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Same here. Spamming since a few weeks on the horde side, DPS/tank/heal, we don’t care. No replies, no response.
It’s a really bad situation with imho no future.

We discussed transferring to wild growth, but it is not for sure that every guildy can transfer so we won’t try to get a ticket and hope that chaos bolt will be merged with a pvp realm in the future.

And playing on a PvE?! Come on, mind control on the ferry is funny as hell :smiley:

Where do you want us to post ?
On US forum ?
On twitter ?

Merge please so we can enjoy.

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Those numbers are 2 weeks old