The server is medium popped and a friend just resubbed and cant even make a character to play with us… what is this logic blizz?
Same question you asked and were answered here with a link to the developer’s faction lock policy:
In simple terms: There’s too many alliance at the moment so only Horde is opened, check back later.
But the server has much more horde players???
Half quit and they still count i guess, everwhere you go as alliance there are always 5 times more horde
BS, since last month I notice everywhere for each horde there are like 3-5 alliance. I do alot of World PvP and we are always very quickly overrun by these keyboard turners and clicking abilities andys. Finally they locked it but too late the damage has been done and alot of horde left especially the pvp kind. Still population is 3 to in in favor of these idiot ally andys
Which shows the big problem with catering to everybodys wishes the last years with “faction balance/balanced servers”.
Blizzard can controll population, but not activity. People say “faction balance” or “balanced servers”, but never say what system would compensate for it.
As can been seen in SoD, locking out a faction to achive similar numbers on both sides does little, because it doesnt help with other factors as players spread across levels, players in certain zones, players willingness to acually engage in PvP activites.
49 players AFKing in Stormwind doesnt help the 1 player getting killed by 50 Horde in Feralas.
40 level 20s doesnt help the 10 level 50s getting killed by 30 level 50s of opposite faction.
45 players who activily avoid PvP in Hinterlands don’t help the 5 players getting killed by 20 others 50 yards away.
I kinda like Blizzard approach of going along with stupid wishes for the game, only to show how useless they are. Now if we only had a community that could learn from this, it would have been something. Unfortunatly the community screams for, what in their eyes are, “easy solutions”, and here we are.
BS? You are telling me my observations are BS? Newsflash, not any more BS than yours
BS cuz you don’t PvP all over both Kalimdor and Azeroth looking for World PvP on a daily. That’s how I and my squad know who most all don’t log in anymore because of the constant group ganking by Alliance andys overrunning any location that has both faction questing etc.
Or can’t you read “In simple terms: There’s too many alliance at the moment so only Horde is opened”
It right there above and now ally creation is locked. Hard to understand facts and legit observations? Not that you would know of, seeing you rolled a human alliance LMFAO /facepalm
Humans simply has the best animasions, you really are that kind of dude and i only pvp outside of orgrimmar and thats why i see 5 too 1 horde.
I get it now