Hi. 2 days ago i bought a character faction change, i am GM of a guild, so i transfered leadership to one of my alts. All good, i proceeded with the faction change, and i was told to wait for the character update process. But meanwhile, after a while , i entered on my alt char and transfered the GM to my main caracter (the one who i am trying to transfer). And somehow i managed to block this character, after 20 hours when i logged in in wow, i got a message telling me that trasnfer cant be processed because i have to give GM to someone else or disband the guild, the problem is i cant enter on the character because is telling me “you cannot log in until the update process is completed”. So here i am, stuck, can’t acces my main for 2 days now, i made a ticket, last night there was a waiting time of 1d and 2 hours, now is telling me the wait time is 8d… any ideas how could i fix my problem faster?
this is my main i wanted to transfer, Becules is the alt.
Its a bit pointless doing the whole “this is my main” on the forums, because forum staff are not actually GM’s, and therefore can’t affect anything in-game. Nor can they make the GM’s give your ticket a priority.
Nor can other players.
The estimated ticket time is just that, an estimate. Its actually based on the oldest ticket in the queue, most tickets get serviced a lot quicker, depending on how the GM’s consider its priority.