Character died during WQ PVP, CAN'T LOG IN

character died during wq pvp. it crashed instantanly and now when i try to log it crashes the game.
Trying to put a ticket and it redirects me to the character unstuck wich doesn’t do anything,
posted it on Reddit, apparently more people are in the same situation.

Tell me how are you selling me something that costs 50€ + 10€ each month and i’m having this problems, i expect a compensation at least for the hours without playing.




nah bro, i’m paying for play daily and if i haven’t played for 3 days for a game problem (days that i paid) i should not be compensated. gtfo from this post

This also happened to me during the “How to Train a Proto-Drake” world quest in the Waking Shores. It happened for two of my characters when they died. Could it be an issue with the graveyard at this specific location?

I do not have a fix for this yet.

Things I’ve tried:

Unfortunately, the Stuck Character Feature does not seem to work as intended, as I cannot proceed to choose which character is stuck (I’m using Firefox).

Read that thread on what to do.

Thank you, this worked for me.

For anyone else reading this thread, here’s what you need to do:

“turn down ur settings to 1 and as soon as u log in press space bar, u will get out of the terrain and able to fly back to ur body”

Seems like the graveyard is spawning your toon inside the terrain and that’s why you disconnect. So you just need to get out of there by jumping (might take a few tries).

For me this doesnt work…

Also, how tf does blizz not check stuff like having a spawn point in texture, in pvp world quest zone, like wtf is even that

Same issue nothing works on fixing it and the blizzard support is garbage. Hope they fix it soon

Happened here too. So i have to change my settings and spam some commands before loggin in? It does sound like a bait ngl. Should i spam alt + f4 too? :smiley:

EDIT: it worked :smiley: cant believe it :smiley:

Keep logging in and spam spacebar, eventually you will be able to move. Might take a couple or more tries.

Tried that alot doesnt work for me

Thats what I thought aswell, just keep doing it.

the spacebar solution works

I am in the same situation. I tried the space spam for like 10 to 15 minutes it did not change anything. Would you guys tell me are you just pushing space and waiting or just spam pressing space during the loading screen. At what moment do you start to press?
As some people mentioned above the character stuck service is not working for this.
I made a ticket this morning 5 days avg response time…

so you died and cannot login seems to me op your character died for real it’s gone now you have to accept it and deal with the loss :wink:

Use unstuck option on blizzard support website. It happened to me once because of phasing issue.

i started spamming space the moment i started to log in. Have you changed graphic settings to 1 and the lowest resolution?

That doesn’t work with this.

It does not work as written in my comment.

Yes graphic to 1 resolution to 1280x720 etc… no add-ons