Character getting instanced?/Can't interact with the game

Ok, so I have this really weird issue that I don’t even know how to begin to describe it:

Sometimes when I’m out in the world all the mobs just dissapear and I can’t interact with anything. Can’t click any of my spells or even with the menu (logging out, exit game doesn’t work). Also sometimes I’m just flying somewhere on my mount and I’m getting hit somehow? Then I die, get to my corpse which is in a position my char was in like 3 mins earlier. I know this sometimes happens during disconnects but I can still chat with people in real time and I’m not actually getting disconnected. I can still keep playing. Rebooting the game fixes it temporarily but afters a while (minutes, sometimes hours) I get this issue again.

In dungeons this gets even stranger. As another example: I’m on Ick in Pit of Saron when he casts Poison Nova signaling to move out of range. I did and I’m still getting hit by it. However in this example I can still use my abilities, see other players and hit the boss (also getting severely damaged by the poison puddle even though I’m not in it). When I reconnected the boss was already dead yet the dialogue was still playing afterwards and again I’m suddenly getting hit by something out of nowhere even though I’m nowhere near mobs, this is soooo confusing?!?

I tried reinstalling the game several times but the issue still persists. Anyone else had this very very strange “bug” as well and knew how to fix it?

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