Character idea plausibility!

Hello all!

I come before you with 2 different character idea’s and I am wondering about their plausibility! Both are linked to the Darkfallen(Undead Elves), so I was wondering, what do you guys feel and think about both idea’s and how would you try and explain or expand upon it;

My first character idea is a Darkfallen Kaldorei Rogue, who died during the War of Thorns, with his death being so traumatic, and his anger and rage so great at those who killed him, he turned into a Spectre. He fought for the Forsaken/Horde due to the confusion often associated with becoming Undeath, and reclaimed his body during his time with the Horde, before rejoining Kaldorei society after the Battle of the Emerald Dream, under leadership of Delaryn Summermoon.

Now, obviously he is based upon the Dark Rangers of Warcraft 3, with the most famous example being, of course, Sylvanas Windrunner, whom alongside her first Dark Rangers, were Banshee’s who repossessed their old bodies. Would this be a viable idea? Especially since this would mean he would be capable of leaving his body behind and go into spectre-form and even be capable of possessing those of lower intelligence, etc.

My second character idea, where I somewhat worry about their plausibility, is that of a Darkfallen Nightborne Dark Ranger who died during the Nightborne Uprising(or 4th War?) and was raised into service of the Forsaken during one of before mentioned wars. He would carry a grudge towards the Forsaken for raising him, but seeing it as an opportunity to help his people out during times of great need again, he would be willing to work alongside the Forsaken and serve Suramar once again!

Would these concepts be viable in RP?


Both sound pretty good to me, tbh!


Not all dark rangers are banshees, nor are all banshees dark rangers, but there are those that are both. It is entirely plausible for one to be both, especially since most of the Darkfallen that joined the Kaldorei were Dark Rangers to begin with.

This one is a bit more far-fetched. The Val’kyr were personally commandeered by and sworn to Sylvanas, and there were just nine of them. The presence of one would have been a major thing and mentioned somewhere in the storyline, like it was with the War of the Thorns and the Kaldorei Darkfallen - and even in the Fourth War, Sylvanas didn’t raise allies into undeath (not for a lack of taste for it, but because she was already spinning enough plates as it were, most likely.)

In short, the first one is so plausible that most of the Darkfallen that joined the Kaldorei to begin with are exactly that concept, but the second one is a whole lot more far-fetched, bordering on being entirely made up, but it can be done, I suppose. Just know that it’s a far less stable foundation compared to the other.


Hmm, good thing you pointed out that Sylvanas did generally not raise allied races into Undeath, which I honestly forgot about.(Since she did raise that one Blood Elf who hated Malfurion with a passion)…

Perhaps he could have been raised by the masterless Scourge, from Shadowlands onwards?

As him being entirely made up… Yea I know there are not many Darkfallen Nightborne in the lore, and if there are, they are Death Knights of the Ebon Blade… I did kinda assume that, since all Elves, from Blood, High and Void to Night Elves all can be raised and fall under the Darkfallen-umbrella, a Nightborne who was raised someway or another would also be capable of becoming a Dark Ranger and be an part of the Darkfallen!

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I mean, Sylvanas did raise allies.

During the Battle for Lordaeron she rose tauren, orcs and other Horde races that died on the battlefield into skeletons to fight for the Horde.

And as Moridunum said, she also had Lorash Sunbeam risen as a Darkfallen a while after the War of Thorns, and from what I know he is still around too.

So personally I think the second concept, of a nightborne Darkfallen, works fine too even if the timeline is abit finnicky.

Raised by Sylvanas personally into mindless undeath (as seen by 9.2.), a move that made her second-in-command defect.

Yes, while in the continuation of the War of the Thorns, in the Darkshore Front, where they did have present Val’kyr - multiple of them, in fact.

What I am saying is not that it’s not impossible; like you’ve very well said, when it came to assets that had no problem with being resurrected and were well away enough from the Horde at large’s eyes, she did so no problem whatsoever; but even then, she used val’kyr, and their presence is so significant that it could’ve not been ignored.

A nightborne being raised by the val’kyr by the Forsaken after what Sylvanas pulled in front of everyone in Lordaeron would require something situational like being a major participant of great value in places such as the War of the Thorns like Lorash was, and if that were the case, I am not sure if the whole angle of resentment could be played up, considering they would have needed to do enough of what they resent in life for them to even be considered to be raised during the time period to begin with.

Technically, on paper? Sure, a nightborne raised by the Forsaken is possible - but once you start getting into the specifics of the character such as having enough breathing room to have plausible deniability and be enraged at the Forsaken for their actions and not his own, that’s when things start to crumble.

You could do that. The notion of the Scourge losing power and those with mental faculties not to be drones running the hell away are a thing (it’s how new undead were recruited by the Forsaken in Vanilla, after all) but it implies something we don’t know is happening yet or not, or if it’ll happen at all.

There also comes the question why your character would even hate the Forsaken then. Considering the atrocities a victim of the Scourge would’ve been forced to go through themselves, as well as the simple fact that they wouldn’t have been raised by the Forsaken themselves, there’d be little reason to play up the resentment towards them at all, if any - especially since by Shadowlands, Sylvanas and her val’kyr are gone.

You can do it, but, you’d have to change key aspects of the character, and even then it’d still be a shaky foundation.


Obviously, if he had been raised due to a masterless Scourge, he would not resent the Forsaken, for he would have no reason to resent them for something they did not do unto him!

In fact, if I would go by this way, he could see the Forsaken as his kin, as much as the Nightborne of Suramar, due to their shared experiences!

Instead, obviously, his resentment would be aimed at the Scourge remnants and the random Warlord that had him raised to function as a meatshield for his wannabe endless army of Scourge.

I mean, in general he has no reason to hate the Night Elves akin to Lorash that he wanted to kill them, so him being a part of the War of Thorns, or even the 4th was, is an effy-part of his backstory, obviously he could be written in somewhere during the war, but then he needed to be an a special individual to have caught Sylvanas and her Val’kyr’s attention, which is not what one wants for a RP-character!

Obviously, my Nightborne Dark Ranger-concept is still way more tinkerable, as nothing is set in stone, mostly due to the points you bring up. I know it was always a shaky concept to begin with, so I at first wanted to run it through the forums to challenge the concept!


Also on a side note, frikkin’ love the hat Wraithwood!

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