Hello all!
I come before you with 2 different character idea’s and I am wondering about their plausibility! Both are linked to the Darkfallen(Undead Elves), so I was wondering, what do you guys feel and think about both idea’s and how would you try and explain or expand upon it;
My first character idea is a Darkfallen Kaldorei Rogue, who died during the War of Thorns, with his death being so traumatic, and his anger and rage so great at those who killed him, he turned into a Spectre. He fought for the Forsaken/Horde due to the confusion often associated with becoming Undeath, and reclaimed his body during his time with the Horde, before rejoining Kaldorei society after the Battle of the Emerald Dream, under leadership of Delaryn Summermoon.
Now, obviously he is based upon the Dark Rangers of Warcraft 3, with the most famous example being, of course, Sylvanas Windrunner, whom alongside her first Dark Rangers, were Banshee’s who repossessed their old bodies. Would this be a viable idea? Especially since this would mean he would be capable of leaving his body behind and go into spectre-form and even be capable of possessing those of lower intelligence, etc.
My second character idea, where I somewhat worry about their plausibility, is that of a Darkfallen Nightborne Dark Ranger who died during the Nightborne Uprising(or 4th War?) and was raised into service of the Forsaken during one of before mentioned wars. He would carry a grudge towards the Forsaken for raising him, but seeing it as an opportunity to help his people out during times of great need again, he would be willing to work alongside the Forsaken and serve Suramar once again!
Would these concepts be viable in RP?