I think i said it once in another topic about this, but it wouldnt hurt if blizz at the very least has some kind of design contest for transmogs or mounts. in wich people can post a design abiding with the rules blizz made, then have other people vote the most popular one.
Could go pretty well together with the trial of style event. Have a specific theme for the design, and have the designs that win implemented as trial of style rewards
The winner of the design contest then could be rewarded with a title, pet, mount or wow token or something.
Modding like it is in singleplayer games won’t happen in an mmorpg like wow, but i think alot of people would love to have atleast something to vote for once in a while
I think there can be no doubt about the quality of blizzards art departments, when they have the means necessary. Not only models for wow, but…
Music across the board of their games. A++
Models and world art across the board, at the time of launch if nothing else. A++
Cinematics, across the board, but lately wow and Hearthstone. A++
Effects, sounds and more that “set the mood” for their games. A++
The stories their games “try to tell” going forward and their game’s history itself. A+++
This is why I’m against user created content, in any shape or form, in blizzard games.
So with that said, as much as I hate to agree. I actually do. I’m not saying they should let the community vote about anything, at all, I see a lot of problems going into that.
-But even Blizzards art department do get their inspiration from somewhere.
If people like modding(or cheating, or anything), they’ll do it regardless. Like with almost everything else in this world… They just shouldn’t have put it in the game!!
-What I do see as an opportunity, is to have a dedicated forum to meet these people in conversation. Where users can upload pictures and files to the forum, so Blizzard employee’s have an alternative source of inspiration.
I think something like this would be healthy, not only for the community but for Blizzard as well. That would spark conversation and inspiration between developers and users, as well as aspire Blizzards community to engage in developing skills outside the game.
-That blizzard themselves very well might be able to reap the fruits off of.
Besides that. Blizzard have also had some Live Art shows on twitch(dunno if they’ve been “official blizzard” shows), which I think is a great opportunity to explore! I’ve also heard they have “internships” for longer or shorter periods of times, that also brings to the table.
-I guess some of those people end up working there, which I guess to be the ultimate “prize”, for making such and effort and a good contribution.
So, It’s all about how you do it. All these “modders” have chosen the wrong path, so far, and are not proving themselves worthy of putting anything into the game. Anytime soon.
-From my perspective.
Yeah, or switch the transparent texture of stealth to something else. Thats cheating too.
Or this
or that
or issue #213525623 which nobody did, nobody talked about, nobody was guilty of.
Why are you ppl throwing random bs accusations around when blizzard specifically said that none of these accounts were cheating or exploiting?
I still dont get it.
Half the thread is whining about exploits, bots, this and that while its a completely offtopic strawman argument.
Keep on telling that to yourself. As if our currently running mods are not functioning within a specific set of rules m8.
As if it was impossible to specify what can and cannot be modded.
Pro tip: Its all defined. Its all specified. Its all pointed out.
NOTHING speaks against establishing the same system for texture packs.
Could you please cease this stupidity?
I swear to god some of you know about as much of the topic as a caveman does about nuclear power.
Modders get a share for each unique member downloading their model.
There you go, blizzard gets payed, modders get payed, players are happy and everyone wins.
It’s a completely opt in thing that doesn’t affect the game at the slightest, and people who don’t want it don’t have to pay for it, and those who do it’s a very insiginificant price that adds up.
Doesn’t matter what they are doing. They are tampering with something that doesn’t belong to them, and they agreed not to do it on signup with WoW. They got away with it ‘this time’ according to Blizz, hopefully next time they are perma banned, whatever good that will do.
Well, yes, but actually no.
They could open parts of the game files for modifying without allowing access to the rest of them. So players would be able mod armors and/or skins without asking Blizzard’s permission.
This would also solve problem with people actually abusing the game by modifying other game assets.
Refer to what i said above. Thats the exact statement for banning people just for the sake of banning them, based on principle, not reason, not brain, not damage, not nothing.
Sorry, i find that stance to be literal *****.
Again you are showing you know literally nothing about how API’s work.
Blizzard know what can be changed in an API. They have tested what can be changed on the API and have set specific rules for it.
If you are changing something outside of the API, they won’t know exactly what you’ve changed or how it will affect the game because it’s not been tested/approved.
Everything that is added through Addons goes through the API. Anything outside of Addons doesn’t.
Dude. Blizz created the API exactly to allow ppl to mod away at the game within a specific set of rules. So riddle me this: How Is it not possible to include this under the API or create a separate ruleset for texture modding?
You know cause the entire thing comes down to something as simple as reorganizing files into “YOU CAN MOD THIS” and creating a separate game critical category that includes exploitable textures under “YOU CANNOT MOD THIS”.
You are bending over backwards to try to justify your own ignorace.
Its perfectly possible to expand support onto texture packs.
Because it has to be implemented as a change, QA tested and then sent out to the clients. It is not a quick process and unless there is enough of an outcry for the feature, they won’t consider it worth their time. Maybe people complaining about it here will change that but either way, still doesn’t mean you can mod the game outside of addons.
Again speaking as someone who works in software support, this process isn’t as easy as just adding it in, that’s not how software companies work (unless you’re my old employer who had extremely buggy software as a result)
It’s not as simple as you are thinking. As explained above, it’s not just a “let’s add this in” unless they want to risk horrendously buggy software. They have to make the change in a test version, QA test it and then plan when it will be rolled out. This is also going to be low on the priority list so it will not be a quick change.
And once again you are showing your complete lack of knowledge in this area. As I have explained, it is probably possible to support this but it’s not something that can happen overnight. This thread wasn’t “Why don’t you support this?” it was “Why did I get banned for modding something I accepted I wouldn’t?” which we have explained. Just because it is not supported yet does not mean you can mod the game in a way that isn’t supported. If you want it to be a feature, ask Blizzard for it. Will it ever get implemented? possibly not but that’s the way these things work.
If you are going to try and convince people you have any clue what you’re talking about, you might want to look into how software companies operate before just assuming software companies sit there all day doing nothing and can just add in what seems like a small change to you.
Alright then. I’d like to refuse that statement cause here you are a self appointed “software support” acknowledging that its perfectly possible to do.
Please read back your own post and try to find anything in it that could be classified as anything other than “but its a nuisance mom”.
I couldnt.
Im guessing the reason for that is because it can be done just fine. Which ironically means that my previous statement is fully accurate, in effect and on point.
Are you just ignoring half of what I said? Yes in theory it can be added. Can it just be added in overnight though? No. I made that extremely clear that if they are going to proceed with adding it in, it won’t happen overnight.
This topic was never about “Can they add it in?” it was about “Why have people been banned for doing what they said they wouldn’t do?”
Could Blizzard add this in right away? In theory yes.
Are they going to? No. No decent software company would just add in a change without going through the correct procedures.
Again you have not provided anything in your counter argument other than “You’re just making excuses.”
If the excuses are factually correct they’re not excuses.
Nobody said or asked to have it implemented overnight tho. Or?
Im literally just saying that it would be perfectly possible to do, and we completely agree in that regard, thus im fairly sure we are on the same side of the argument here.
They COULD also add a special server where people can pick the race ‘banana’ and where there is no combat, but people slap themselves with fluffy slippers.
But making changes for a tiny group of players who feel they have special needs, doesn’t make a whole lot of business sense.
In theory they could add/change something like that.
But I very, very much doubt they ever will.
I sort of enjoy how it looks when I see players changing how their character interacts with the ground using the software used. They do a piruette and move at about twice mount speed and are immune to slows and collisions, It’s rare thou but seen it twice since BfA launched, first time i figured “well it’s just lag” but since someone did the same mechanic a few weeks later getting the same results lol.
Another cool feature they could do trought this was to ride straight up the mountain sides. It’s always fun when you see a dwarf ride up a almost 90 degree angle. Looks super silly at the very least.
Oh, I’m confused then I thought you were making the point that they could just add it in.
I mean again, yes in theory they can add it in if the bother to put the work into it but unless there’s enough of an outcry for it they won’t but the thread with the idea about a WoW workshop might hopefully pique some interest.