Character model bans (Discussion, same as we had for xp abuse, not breaking rules)

How would you claim its a tiny group of players?
By what metric?
You are talking about a pretty large group of people here who would go through the process of actually cracking their client open just to do these textures even at the risk of ban. Considering that simple fact: In your estimate, how many people would use this feature if it was in the open and perfectly okay to use? Cause i’d say about as many who use mods in general.

But even if we were to go by the “minority” argument… pfff… wow is the wreck it is today because blizzard is perpetually trying to the largest common denominator, even when that “largest” is like 5% of the actual playerbase.
How many changes did we literally endure over the years that was based on ABSOLUTELY NOTHING other than some 0.5% of the whiners on the forums?

Let me tell you: Thats going to be a ******* long list considering the game is turning 15 years old.

Common sense.

Compared to the total playerbase? No, not really.

If it would still require specialist software to open/edit textures etc?
No. Not anywhere remotely close to that number.

Of course it’s a minority. How can you even think it’s not?


Not that many honestly. They try to please everyone, which of course they can’t.
Look; if they were to implement this change; fine. It wouldn’t impact most of us in any way. But I truly believe that Blizzard has very little reason to accomodate this.
They’d basically be legalizing part of an activity that is not allowed by them (and that is for good reason).

How yo prove that hacking for texture packs is still a violation worth punishing.

If I break into a bank to water the plants should I be punished? If I break into your house to do your laundry should I be punished?

The answer is always a resounding yes. The act of using third party software to modify gamefiles is tye equivalent of “breaking” into it, and no natter how benign your or the majority’s intentions were, it doesn’t matter. A break in where nothing was stolen is still a break in.

Now I do however agree that PR wise only warning those who were proven to only use textures was the correct decision after the ridiculous ban times aimed at serious offenders, otherwise we’d likely have seen a week long ban most likely, but after the initial months long wave they had to be more lenient.

Now if they continue using textures after it, I hope they get hit hard, otherwise they will never learn.

As for creating legal Blizz curated addons for this, nah. Due to client side handling collision and stuff you couldn’t do any size changes, nor any model swaps. The only thing they’d let in would be skin tones and scars and what not, and none for armors as that would compete with actual ingame rewards and invalidate future releases(assume people could just make higher res BT tier sets, why go farm ToS then. Sure only you can see it, but what you look like to yourself is the biggest reason to transmog in the first place.


Are you talking about modding the game in a way wich doesnt offer competitive advantages? If so what is that good reason?

Actually if you wanna get in my home to do any kind of homework you dont have to go throug the hassle of breaking in. I’ll gladly give you keys and a big thank you :slight_smile:

Nah. For most its all about how you present yourlself to others. And I’m not exclusively talking about videogames

Nah that removes the thrill of it(also makes it legal)

Also what people perceive as good transmog(be it cool, cute, awesome, aesthetically pleasing or sexy) depends on their personal views. People who wear a transmog only to appeal to the sensibilities of others(minus Trial of Style weeks) are the majority. While some may serve both purposes, if a person don’t like a set personally will be unlikely to equip it to please the majority. WoW fashion succeeds far better at being self expression than trendiness in real life.


Every time someone claims common sense, its elevated further on the rarity scale.

Refer to the quote above. You claim common sense, then with the same breath you claim that not many would use such a feature EVEN THOUGH YOU HAVE PPL CRACKING THE CLIENT FOR IT RIGHT NOW.

One surefire way to tell that a feature is not needed is by the notion that ppl risk 180 day bans for installing it regardless of tos violation.
Cause you know “COMMON SENSE”.

Remind me how many people use mods please.
Are you aware that mods not only “require specialist software to open/edit” but also knowledge of a programming language and blizzard’s api?

Oh its almost like other people design mods and you only install them and if you use a client for it then it can be done within 2 clicks.
Cause you know: Common sense.

Sorry, i cant magically undo ignorance. Not only that, but you’d probably first need some history on wow’s updates to be able to tell.
Remember golden pulls like the anti-gy-camp fix in warsong gulch that made it impossible to avoid gy-camping because it literally locked you to gy?
lol why the hell am i even bothering with examples, if my statement was nonsense in your opinion you basically underlined twice in bold that you have no idea about the topic in the first place.

Which ironically leads to the perpetual destabilization of the game. Correct.
See? You do have a hunch about whats going on.

Maybe they do, maybe they dont. Not the point. I personally couldnt care less about whether or not they do cause i never bothered using texture packs in the first place.

That being said, the strawmanning idiocy really got on my nerves in this thread. Thats the reason i threw this argument out in the first place, cause believe it or not banning people for no damage no victim crimes like many geniuses in here would demand, is actually pretty damn stupid.
Even more so when the crime they are accused of is actually NOT A VIOLATION at all. The delivery was against the rules. Not the act itself.

Even you make one of these completely and utterly misguided statements:

Texture packs were not against the rules in any shape or form.
What is against the rules is the current method of installation.
See this is what pisses me off.
People who cant even differentiate between concepts making factual claims.

In your portrayal getting from A to B is illegal while in reality, everyone was warned for using an illegal route. NOT because they went to B.
Cause (for the thousandth time) using the damn texture packs does literally nothing to the game. Just like an UI mod, it will make things look differently on your screen and yours only.

Dude you’re acting as if I’m saying that it doesn’t happen.
Of course it does. BUT… it doesn’t happen on the scale you claim (or seem to think) it does. The percentage of people actually doing that (illegal) activity is limited to a very niche group.

To make them, sure. To use? None.
And that is the group I’m talking about.
The mod creating community is also very small compared to the total people playing. It’s a niche, specialist type of thing. Nothing wrong with that, but it is what it is and I’m genuinely surprised you are reacting in this way. It’s really very clear to anyone else that is simply how it is.

And you’re being very hostile while you clearly just don’t understand what I am talking about. Why? Can you just keep it civil please?

It’s fine you believe that. But the simple fact is; you agreed to abide by the user agreement. And that user agreement states you cannot do certain things with the game’s files. It’s really as simple as that. You agreed to something, you break that agreement; that has consequences.

It just sounds like you’re making up these rules in your head mate.
Stop being so hostile and take a step back.

Your use of ‘literally’ is very, very off.
Doesn’t matter since it’s done to files that shouldn’t be touched.
And to which every player agreed. So in short; no sympathy from me whatsoever.

I’m done discussing this with you because of the way you’re acting and I only see it getting worse (and I don’t care enough about the topic to let this devolve into something nasty). Cheers.

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Because of intentional misrepresentation. Thats why.
Thats the very reason im so mad about so many people in this thread, and i have pointed this out multiple times.

Its not about the feature, its about the typical swarming of [insert tags at your leisure] (not to imply that you are one of them) who drop into the conversation not to represent an argument, not to make a point, but just to deliver a nice solid kick onto whoever is on the floor currently cause that gives them this small boost of self confidence.
Thats why i am hostile.

I would like nothing more than to keep it civil but the sad reality of things is that keeping it civil requires a brain. Something a lot of people dont bother with these days, and just to get back to the topic, i will civilly tell you one more time:

These players have been confirmed to not abuse the system, to not harm others, to not give themselves advantages, to not cheat, to not damage, to not create victims, to nothing.
Yes: The method of delivery is against the ToS, but that is the collective and entire extent of the presented issue, and on this note i simply did say that this could be given support any day, making the entire thing perfectly legal and okay to use.
Do you know why it would be perfectly legal and okay to use?
Because they didnt do anything harmful to begin with, and with that we are back to the start of the argument.

I really dont care if this feature gets implemented or not. I dont care if its difficult, if it pays off, i dont care how many ppl would use it or any other strawman we are yet to come up with.
I stated one single thing, which is that pro ban ppl in here are not presenting an argument, but are instead simply fishing for self-confirmation by attacking others. And THAT is what pisses me off.

Swear and be rude as much as you like for all i care, make offensive jokes, ad hominems whatever, but if you cant attach them to an actual argument, then you are just toxic waste who wants to damage the community, the game, and other players around you.

I hope this answers your question.

And that’s a faulty assumption from your side.
So the hostility wasn’t warranted.

Does. Not. Matter.
They are breaking the agreement. End of story.
Whether or not their intentions are good, whether or not any other player is or is not impacted by it, is all inconsequential.

But it ISN’T perfectly legal. So whether they could change that is once again inconsequential.

Yeah and the simple fact is; you have an opinion.
But Blizzard is TOTALLY within their right to punish any player who breaks the user agreement. Those players CHOSE to do so, knowing full well it was against the rules.

Those are the FACTS. Not my opinion (my opinion actually is: if nobody else is impacted, why care - but that’s irrelevant here because they broke the rules. I have wanted to do a model swap in the past, but I read up on it and discovered it would be a risk against the UA, so I didn’t go through with it).

So in this case the facts are simply opposite your opinion.
I support the facts in this case. :man_shrugging:

So in short:

Do I think texture swapping etc should be allowed within certain parameters?

Do I think it will happen?

Do I think those who were punished (or warned) deserve it?

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This really reminds me of that experiment with the monkeys and the cold shower.
If anyone pulls on the banana everyone gets a shower.
After a while everyone who attempts to get the banana is instead beaten up by the others.
Replacements start, and after a while you are left with a completely new group who has no idea what happens or why you need to beat up anyone who attempts to get the banana but they do never the less.

You are right there with this argument.

No harm done?
Sure af doesnt matter, they broke the rule, they need the beating.
You are basically arguing for punishment based on principle and not on damages. North Korea much?

Sorry. Not gonna work out, and if this bothers you that much then continue to whine about it to blizzard who already decided that this was not a malicious act.
Im done and out. No point in discussing this any further with you with that kind of mindset.

Your point of view, for whatever reason, is horribly skewed man.

That’s not it at ALL.
You’ve AGREED to a USER AGREEMENT. You made a choice.
Noone was forced to. If you can’t abide by the rules? Then you suffer the consequences, yeah.

So that’s an entirely different thing.

I really don’t care much at all. It’s you; and how you choose to present not only yourself but these empty arguments. That’s what’s bothering me way more than this whole issue. They had their warnings. They could’ve left the bans in place. Whatever. I don’t care one way or the other as long as they aren’t interfering with my gameplay, I’m fine with it. Blizzard isn’t, as you are claiming. Hence the warning. And should they continue to perform this illegal activity, they WILL be banned. So don’t pretend that Blizzard said ‘oh it’s all good’, because it isn’t.

Says you.
First you’re rude. You don’t understand what someone is saying exactly and make assumptions. You use your opinion as if it’s fact. And you compare things that are VASTLY different.

And you say I’m the problem in this discussion here? That’s rich.


But if only you can see it, how does it remove the prestige(or add it to yourself)?
Isn’t the prestige coming from people looking at you going “damn that guy is geared”??

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