I like how the ToS is mentioned, time and time again, in this matter. But if we then switch to the Tos, and talk about how you as a player. Are not allowed to give others a negative gaming expirience. Like harassing them etc. Then everyone is laughing at the Tos. Because everyone knows how harassment, will not get anyone banned. And now suddenly the ToS do not apply anymore, mostly because of blizzards inconsistence regarding the ToS. Standards is good. So double standards is twice as good? Logic?
Seen a lot of weird threads but “why am I banned for breaking ToS” is definitely one of the rarer ones lol
I’ve been thinking about this while I finished off some work.
If it could be proven that a person only used it to add a scar or make a thin character then fine, the suspension should have been shorter but the program blizzard use only says that the code has been changed in memory, I don’t think it can know what was changed, that is my opinion, not a fact. It’s probably checksum based.
If it was used to make ores or herbs bigger or some such thing, then that should be a long suspension.
It’s against the ToS and even though most people don’t read it the terms are an unconditional agreement you make not to edit the game files in any kind of way. 6 months is definitely too steep of a punishment though.
Tbh i knows of some players get banned for harassment, it happened during the end of WoD when a guildmate of the guild i was in, was constantly harassed by 2 or 3 other players from another guild, but these beoples really exeeded doing it, it was really a daily constant, if not a each hour they were online.
But probably bans for harassment are rarer because you can’t really know how peoples interact in an online game unless you have alot of peoples reading every chat log (and trust me, alot of peoples that get harassed don’t even send a report, they just hit the ignore button most of the time). Probably file changes are easier to monitorate. Futhermore probably Blizzard don’t know what you exactly have changed in the file systems, it just says that you have changed something.
And they most likely did not get 6 months or permaban for it. All I’m pointing out is the double standards, regarding the ToS. Should my friend have a ban? Yes. Should it be a permaban? No. And if Blizzard is so afraid he used it to gain an advantage. Then maybe investigate his account more, and keep communicating with him during the investigation. Its about “crime” and “punishment”.
He can appeal to the ban if he want, it’s free and Blizzard even have a page with all the infos on how to do it.
BTW, to be clear: i’m not saying that 6 months are the right timing for the ban expire, i’ve just explained that system file changes are usually handled in harsher ways when we talk about punishments.
The ToS is never an argument. You can call it whatever you like from legally binding document to a “reason”, but its not an argument.
Its like any broad written piece of bs that exists to ensure that the company has full control over you while you have none over them.
So in that regard, the ToS is about as much of an argument here as say “i dont like your face and this is my town, so you get out or you will get shot”
Should not have to be the case in the first place. You’d expect a company to be able to gauge the “crime” and assign punishment accordingly.
Then again i guess we are talking about the people who fired 800 of their workers and are now rehiring new ones in their place, who made their own blizzcon the largest catastrophe of the industry in recent time and who cant write a god damn coherent story to wow even if their lives depended on it.
Not the case.
Files can be corrupted. The launcher will automatically correct them if thats the case. So the actually need to know for a fact whether or not this is an error, or you had screwed with the files intentionally.
Refer to point 1. The ToS is not an argument, and also not a warning to anyone.
Its simply a statement that they can do what the ever loving +“/+!%=+”+ they want to do.
Dev and QA testing? LoL. On 1 hand: AS IF BLIZZARD STILL TESTED.
On the other hand: You dont need to test something that is a client side graphical mod cause it literally changes nothing.
Do you have any idea what a model is? Your average mods screw with your client and game more than a frikin model/texture changer.
Your entire 5 point “argument” comes down to “daddy said not to do it”.
Yeah well, call back once you can pull up something that is not an authority fallacy.
Good news guys unblocked us, thank you all!
Why shouldn’t they? You should consider that the account you are playing on is not yours, it’s not your property, so why the owner of the account shouldn’t dectate their own rules?
I mean, if you come to my house, why should i let you do anything you want? Wouldn’t you put some rules in case i would be invited to yours?
it seems that you speak as if the ToS were a kind of plot or conspiracy…
No point in discussing anymore - blizz is mass unbanning most (if not all) players in this situation right now.
Im very glad for them :))
I wonder what all the smart kids with “iT’z iN tEh tOs ” will have to say about it now :)))
So breaking the ToS is fine if you just make some threads and posts about your ban.
Probably that specific software didn’t really work like Tmorph during the old days
So your friend broke the ToS and suffered the consequences? Bohhoooohooo, he broke the rules of the game. While it only affect him it’s still modding games files which is not allowed. Six months may have been a overkill that i can agree on but you break the rules, you suffer the consequences for doing so. You play on Blizzard terms not yours, always has been so and always will.
Actually, I believe it’s the money loss. People on reddit claim this banwave hit around 25% of the sub base… I’m not sure Blizz can afford losing that much money right now, considering BFA’s current state.
Finally Goldshire will be purged.
How about the money loss for the competition between this software and the Transmorpher Toy? They should keep them banned (joking obviously).
Anyway, glad for you guys
“People on Reddit”
Always a trusty source of information.
They might’ve just noticed there wasn’t malicious intent despite breaking the ToS.
No, but it means you’re accessing the game in memory and that could also be used for cheat programs. I suppose it’s a slippery slope argument.
You could also argue that it could make some stuff easer by modifying the client. For instance you could change the weather in a snow brawl or remove pillars in arena so you can see what your opponent is up to.