Character Naming Rules

Hiya. Someone in guild today was trying to think of a character name, and was thinking about making one with numbers in it. We got to talking about what was and was not acceptable, and I referred him to the Terms of Use … I went to actually go find them and copy him the relevant bit but could not find it.

Instead, there now appears to be a vague “don’t be offensive” (which is fair enough, but it’s a bit wishy washy).

I’m pretty sure there used to be something that gave specifics … like famous people’s names, leet speak, ranks, etc … so at least we could give guidance to people of names that definitely aren’t acceptable - but now it’s just “we’ll decide on a report by report basis”.

This is obviously very confusing for newer players … can anyone point me towards the actual specifics of what isn’t allowed?

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It mainly common sense that one mate.
Nothing with sexy reference or offensive to others like naming yourself after a Deity of some sort.
or naming yourself adidas for example isnt acceptable.

I had one option to change my pet name. looking back it was offensive but nothing was said to me about it but I was allowed to change the pets name without using that item that allows you.

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OP you are right. There used to be very detailed section on TOS/EULA (which ever it was) about naming characters, including the things you mentioned with lot of other things that were “forbidden” in names. Now rules seems to be much more vague and there is no long list of what is forbidden anywhere to be found.


Names with numbers…

Numbers aren’t allowed mostly for a technical reason. Blizzard decided that if a name has numbers it means it’s flagged for a rename.

I wanted to use numbers on the names of my mechanical pets but that too isn’t allowed.


When are you namechanging to Queen? :flushed::weary::heart_eyes:

Apostrophes would be nice to have, but just one so it can’t be abused.
A lot of Orc’s and Troll’s use Apostrophes in their Names. Zul’jin, Ner’zhul, Gul’dan, Go’el, or even Kil’jaeden.

Btw… i watched a few weeks ago an Asmongold Video and i noticed he haves/or is in a Guild called <Elbankoo’s Guild>, first i thought maybe Apostrophes are allowed in Guild names, but when i tried myself to create a Guild with apostrophe, it didn’t work.
Maybe it is an US Server thing only?

Edit: nvm. found a forum post from 2012 that answers my question.

I would like if you could add space in your name. That allows making characters with surnames or nicknames or just 2 part names and opens up so many possibilities for new names. Would help a lot when people have troubles finding a name when “everything is taken”.

Oh please Bukachu, if I ever changed my name to anything it would be Goddess :roll_eyes:

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Exactly. And it’s all well and good people saying that what is acceptable for names is common sense … but no, it isn’t … because common sense isn’t all that common, and what is acceptable for one person may well not be acceptable for the next. So having somewhere to point to, when people asked what names would be acceptable, or when someone said “why can’t I be called CaptainUnderpants” … was very useful. Now I’m pretty sure they think I’m making it up.

The fact is, at the end of the day, Blizzard DO have rules about what is, and is not, acceptable for names. They just choose not to share those rules with us. We have to guess (albeit, for some of us, an educated guess based on what USED to be in the ToU).

@punyelf those were the rules I found … they’re disappointingly vague:

The character name must be between 2-12 characters long.
Accented characters are supported.
Numbers and symbols are not supported.
Mixed capitals and spaces are not supported.

Trying to remember what there used to be in that long list and what i can remember is (wording not exactly same than in original one) at least known trademarks or brands (like for example Cocacola), names of known people (for example like DonaldTrump), names formed putting several words together that won’t make real word (for example ilovebananas), names containing profanities… stuff like that. most names in games were breaking those rules already back then. For RP servers naming rules were even more strict and there i think it was also followed that people went by rules.

I don’t know if any of those old rules would be valid nowadays in wow anyway. I think nowadays you can name your character pretty much anything that is not totally offensive.

I’m sorry you don’t like the simplified rules, most find it easier when it’s just clearly set out.

What exactly are you finding difficult?

The other Code of Conduct link explains this…


Names are subject to the same rules established above. Any name the player has the ability to customize—such as player names, BattleTags, and guild names—must be appropriate and inoffensive. Any name that violates our standards or disrupts the community will be changed, and additional limitations may be placed on the offending account per our discretion.

Take note that acceptable names are determined by player reports and Blizzard’s decision, and role-playing servers may have distinct standards for using game-appropriate names.

Yeah … there was also not being able to use ranks (like captain, king, etc) …

but looking at the Code of Conduct, which is even more vague:


When participating in communication of any kind (chat, voice communication, group finder), you are responsible for how you express yourself. You may not use language that could be offensive or vulgar to others.

Hate speech and discriminatory language is inappropriate, as is any obscene or disruptive language. Threatening or harassing another player is always unacceptable, regardless of language used. Violating any of these expectations will result in account restrictions. More serious and repeated violations will result in greater restrictions.


Names are subject to the same rules established above. Any name the player has the ability to customize—such as player names, BattleTags, and guild names—must be appropriate and inoffensive. Any name that violates our standards or disrupts the community will be changed, and additional limitations may be placed on the offending account per our discretion.

Take note that acceptable names are determined by player reports and Blizzard’s decision, and role-playing servers may have distinct standards for using game-appropriate names.

“Names are subject to the same rules established above” … but I don’t see any specific rules established above … other than not making them offensive.

“acceptable names are determined by player reports and Blizzard’s decision” … that’s basically saying that anyone can have any name they like, and unless someone reports it, then Blizzard looks at it and decides you can’t have it, you’re cool.

Which is really backwards … they should have established perameters already in place so that people KNOW what is unacceptable.

And bear in mind … I’m not asking about this for myself per-se … but for those who keep asking me for help creating character names (ie, guildees) who, when they come up with something that previously was against the naming rules … I have nothing to point at and say “that’s against the naming policies”

Although having the random name generator back would be cool, the amount of time I spend trying to make up a new character name :stuck_out_tongue:

naming rules are one of the major jokes imo.

it basically states that “everything’s fine except things that arent fine, but we wont tell u whtas not fine hehexd”

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haha sorry Punyelf … our posts crossed :stuck_out_tongue:

You make it sound like you think I’m being a bit thick … “what do I find difficult”? … well nothing. I’m fine thank you. I have a good idea myself of what is, and is not, acceptable for naming characters. However … that is because I remember the old rules that used to be out there for everyone to see. Now they’re not.

What I’m finding difficult, is having to spend time explaining to people rules that Blizzard put in place for characters names, that now no longer exist on a website for me to point to, and may not actually exist at all. If Blizzard have now recinded those rules … then that’s fine … I’d just like to know so that when I’m advising people, I’m actually giving them correct advice :wink:

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I think you can go with assumption those old rules are not valid anymore and just follow the ones that are posted now.

I find it particularly curious the RP naming policy forbids “non-medieval or non-fantasy” names for characters. You know, in the world with a boss named VOL-7R-ON, very popular motorcycle mounts and the less popular (because of the price) mount that looks like a GIANT MECHANICAL GOBLIN HEAD?

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I have reported a player for example for having a name that says child-insert unsuitable word here that is not allowed on the forums in another language. They can’t pre-emptively ban every single possible offensive name. So some of them rely upon player reports to be highlighted.

If you are on an RP realm and you don’t have an RP type name you can be flagged for a rename as well. If you want to have a silly name don’t roll on an RP server.

Personally I’ve never struggled with the naming policy.