Character screen observations

These are my thoughts so far on the character selection screen and I wonder if I’m the only one

1. When I select a character from a different ream to log into, we have this “loading” between realms delay. Feels very clunky
2. When I want to create a new character I get a popup “your character will be created on xx realm blah blah blah”. I have no idea which realm I am on when I click on that button and I get why you are asking but I have no visual way to tell this before hand. More clunk
3. Why do we even have realms now? You are pretty much hiding them from us unless we go looking for them (clunky again) so cant we just have a language and realm type selection?
4. The addons list menu continues with the theme of hiding realms as I do not know which character is on which realm. If I had the same character name on 20 realms how would I know which character I was updating addons for? clunck clunck clunck

I mean, thats just realm related issues for me and I’m not sure if you noticed but its very clunky

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